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"This right here could end my title reign." I said to Sasha.

"Don't sweat it girl, you got this." She said.

After the horrible news I found out yesterday. I had arranged a meeting with the self proclaimed king and the wicked witch of the WWE, Hunter and Stephanie. As a professional, it is my duty to inform them in advance when I am not able to compete.

This injury doesn't favour me in any way. Ever since I stood up to Charlotte and started dating Seth, the Authority has been against me. I don't mind being on bad terms with them because the way I see it, their hate for me only makes me stronger and being champion allows me to stick it in their face so I have to keep that title for as long as I can.

Sasha and I stopped walking as soon as we reached their office.

"What if I mess this up?" I asked.

"You won't. You know your rights as a champion and I know you got balls so go nail them." She said encouraging me.

"Thanks babe." I said as I walked towards the door.

"Good luck." She said. "I'll be around."

"Alright." I said.

I knocked on the door and waited for a response. Hunter called me in and I walked in and took a seat.

"What's on your mind?" Asked Hunter.

"I wanted to inform you that I won't be able to compete on Monday." I said.

"And why is that?" He asked.

"I sorta picked up a minor shoulder injury in training yesterday. I got it checked out and the doctor told me that he cannot clear me for Monday." I replied.

"Then there's only one thing to do." Said Steph. "Do the right thing Gabi and relinquish your title."

"I had a feeling you would say that." I said and smiled. "As a champion, I have fourteen days to defend my title or compete in the ring and I did say that my injury was minor so whether you like it or not I will not relinquish my title until I feel I do not meet the requirements of a champion. I may not be able to compete this Monday in Detroit but that doesn't mean that I won't make an appearance neither will it stop me from being at Monday Night RAW in Brooklyn next week. I will return to ring action next week. That I promise you." I said stunning Stephanie.

Man it felt good getting that off my chest.

"I'm gonna give you an opportunity." Said Hunter. "Right now you and Charlotte are like two goose running around the WWE, y'all do whatever y'all want whenever y'all want and that's not what's best for business." He paused for a few seconds and then continued. "Let us turn this rivalry between you and Charlotte into a great WWE storyline. Imagine how much better this rivalry will be scripted. We'll make y'all go through extreme measures and show the world what y'all are really capable of doing. I told you before that you are talented, so let us make you greater than you already are. We'll make you the longest reigning Women's Champion. Just imagine how amazing that would be. Imagine walking into WrestleMania the champion and then retaining that title on the grandest stage of all. We can do all that for you, if you just let us. All you have to do.... is say yes. What do you say Gabi?"

They stare at me like I'm their prize position. Oh wait, I am! I'm the champion so that makes me the face of the RAW women's division. Seth's the Universal Championship and there's absolutely no way that he will ever side with The Authority again so it makes sense as to why they would try to get me on their side. But they must be really delusional if they think I would even consider joining them. After processing what Hunter just offered me, I finally break the silence.

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