↠ {37}

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I was busy having a lovely hot shower when suddenly the door opened and he came rushing in.

"Babe what the-" I said.

"Dean got arrested." He said interrupting me.

"WHAT?" I yelled. I was shocked! No wait! At this point, even shocked was an understatement. "What happened?" I asked. Just then there was a knock on the door.

"Hold that thought." Seth said and then left to get the door.

I quickly wiped myself dry and walked out of the bathroom. I changed into a shorts and t-shirt before walking towards the living room.

"Hey bro." I said and walked up to Roman.

"Hey babe." He said and kissed me on the cheek.

"You guys want anything to drink?" I asked as I walked into the kitchen.

They both replied no. I walked up to the fridge, opened it and took out my morning protein shake. Every morning without fail, I must have a protein shake. It's like my morning ritual. I walked back into the living room sipping off my shake.

"Talk to me now. What happened?" I asked while sitting down next to Seth.

"The Authority happened." Roman said.

I knew it!

"They didn't like our little show yesterday." I asked.

"Not at all." Seth smirked.

"What did they charge him for?"

"Assault and trespassing." Roman replied.

"According to Renee, Stephanie made it pretty clear that Dean is not on RAW therefore he had no business being there." Seth said. "Such whiners." He added. Roman and I both chuckled.

Seriously this shit is bound to happen in WWE. And besides what we did wasn't wrong, we basically just gave the fans a little treat. That's all!

The Authority started this warfare. They asked for all of this and now they are crying like little babies.


"How we're gonna get him out?" I asked while texting Renee to see how she's doing.

"We're not, Shane is. He said he'll handle everything." Roman responded.

"That is an ideal commissioner." I said.

"Tell me about it." Said Seth as he rolled his eyes.

Shane is everything a commissioner supposed to be like. He doesn't have favoritism and he most certainly doesn't treat his superstars like shit. He's all about fair play and giving the deserving people opportunities. He stands for what's right and not for what's wrong. It's a pity that we haven't got a chance to work with him as yet but someday, I sure hope we do.

"They do realize that they just made the biggest mistake of their lives right?" I asked and Roman nodded. "Come WrestleMania, and we're gonna break their asses." I said.

"You guys thinking what I'm thinking?" Seth asked and smirked.

"That your match at WrestleMania is Falls Count Anywhere, which means no disqualification?" I asked and smiled at Seth.

"Yeah." He replied.

"Remember what I said about making WrestleMania our bitch?" Roman asked.

"Oh yeah." Seth smirked.


Later the day.

"Do you remember what your sister was like?" Asked Seth referring to my older sister who died in a car crash when I was only twelve.

"Yeah. I remember everything about her. She was beautiful and all the guys in her school wanted her but she only had eyes for one." I replied as I rested my head on his bare chest.

"Damn, I wish I could have met up with that chick." He said jokingly.

I gave him a stern look before biting his nipple, making him moan.

"Ouch. I was kidding." He said.

"Kidding or not, you deserved it!" I said and moved away from him.

I sat up on the bed with my legs folded, thinking about my sister and her boyfriend who lost their lives because of a stupid mistake that they had made.

"Allison would have really liked you." I said as a tear fell from my cheek. Seth was quick to notice it and wrapped his arms around me.

"I'm sure I would have liked her too." He said. "Thomas her boyfriend, was he drunk that day? Sorry, your dad didn't tell me the whole story." He added.

"They were coming home from a friends party, both wasted as hell. And he... he didn't see the truck coming." I stumbled as the tears kept rolling down. "Allison was rebellious. My parents kept telling her not to go to that party because it was far off but she didn't listen. When they tested to see if she was under the influence of alcohol when she died, they found out that it wasn't just alcohol, she was on drugs too."

"I'm so sorry love." He said rubbing my shoulders.

I know my sister made a lot of bad decisions in life. She did stuff that I would never think of doing. She made a lot of mistakes but that doesn't mean she deserved to die for it. No, she deserved better than that.

"She would have been so proud of me." I said trying to think of happy thoughts.

"I'm sure that wherever she is, she's definitely watching over you and guiding you. And yes I know she's extremely proud of you." He said and gave me a warm smile.

"How do you know that?" I asked.

"Because I am extremely proud of you." He said and placed a sweet soft kiss on my lips.

"You know something?" I asked after pulling away.

"What?" He asked confused.

"I was feeling a little off today but now you definitely turned me on." I said and smiled at him.

"Well I do have that effect on people." He smirked.

"Shush papi." I said placing a finger on his lips as he smiled.


Dean got arrested 🙀 OMG! 🙊 Gabi had a sister.. RIP Allison😔 What are your thoughts? 🤔 Lemme Know!

Ps. Sorry if this chapter sounded boring 🙊🙈

Thanks for reading! 😬 Please vote and comment 🙏🏼❤️ x

Side Note: WrestleMania is here y'all 😬 Think Seth will prove that he is the King Slayer by slaying Triple H?

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