↠ {41}

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I woke up to the lovely smell of breakfast in the morning. I turned to the other side of the bed, just to see that Seth wasn't in bed.

After RAW yesterday, Seth and I flew to California to spend some time with my parents before Mania. Ever since last week, he's been training nonstop and I knew that if I told him that I wanted to spend some time with my parents, he would definitely take a break and come with me.

I walked downstairs to look for Seth. I heard a few noises coming from the kitchen so I decided to go inside. I walked into the kitchen and I see Seth standing by the stove.

"Oh my gosh, is that hash browns?" I asked excitedly, after spotting the plate of hash browns on the counter.

"No, no, no. I'm trying to make you breakfast in bed." He whined like a little girl and it sounded so cute.

"Awww babe." I said placing a kiss on his lips.

"I was going for full romance here and now you have just ruined it." He said with a straight face.

"And I think that's really sweet but there's no way you're getting in the way of me and bacon." I said lovestruck. I walked towards the plate of bacon and not wasting any time, I quickly grabbed a strip of bacon and shoved it into my mouth.

"Bloody bacon lover." He said, looking a little annoyed. I chuckled at his expression. It was so cute.

"Hey, from day one you knew that bacon and I were best friends." I said pointing a strip of bacon at him.

"Go away now so I can finish off what I'm doing." He instructed me.

"No way! I'm helping you." I replied.

I think it's cute that he wants to make breakfast for my family but at the same time, I don't want him to do everything on his own. It's our day off and he should be in bed, not trying to please my parents. There's plenty of time for that.

"You know you really didn't have to do this?" I asked. I fried the eggs that he had scrambled earlier while he made the toast.

"I know but I just wanted too." He replied.

"My parents already love you." I rolled my eyes.

It's true. Ever since my parents met Seth, they can't seem to stop talking about him. My mother makes it her duty to ask me about him every single day without a fail. They absolutely adore him.

I remember the day I told them that we were dating, my father was extremely happy and he actually admitted that he liked Seth, saying that he's the best guy I've ever dated. And my dad has never said that about anyone before.

And as for my brother, well we all know that he and Seth are best friends. They text each other all the time and have a very good bond. It's cute.

Sometimes I feel that my family loves him more than they love me.

Although it makes me very happy to see them all get along so well because I really do love Seth and one day I would love to marry him.

"What smells so nice?" Asked Ben as he walked into the kitchen.

"Breakfast is almost done." Said Seth.

Ben and Seth shared a solid fist pump. Ben then came up to me and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

It wasn't long until the rest of the family was up. We all sat at the dining room table and had our breakfast together as a family. It was quiet nice sharing a laugh with everyone after so long.


We spent the rest of the day roaming the streets of California. It was really fun spending some time with my family but now it's back to the real world.

WrestleMania is five days away and I need to get my game on. My main focus now is to beat my three opponents and prove all my haters wrong.

"Do you think we'll be able to live up to our pact?" I asked Seth while resting my head on his shoulder during our four hour flight to Orlando, Florida.

"Of course we can." He replied. "It's definitely going to be a challenge but we can pull it off." He added sounding rather confident.

"You really think so?" I asked with some doubt in my voice.

"Yeah. You know why?"


"Because it's the four of us." He smirked. "Do you remember the first thing I told you when we went backstage after you stood up to Owens and Charlotte?" He asked.

I thought about it for a bit before answering. "That you believed in me?" I asked.

"No. Think harder. We....."

"We can do anything we put our mind too."



Short chapter 🙈 Do you think they will live up to their pact? What are your thoughts on this chapter? Lemme know! 😊

Only 4 more chapters left 😓 Thanks for reading! 😬 Please vote and comment 🙏🏼❤️ x

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