↠ {21}

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I woke up in the morning only to notice that Seth was gone. Where had he gone so early in the morning? As I was about to get out of bed, the door opened. My man walked in with a tray in his hand. On the tray was a huge stack of pancakes, two bottles of syrup, chocolate and golden, two cups of hot chocolate and two sets of forks and knifes.

"Breakfast is served." He smirked.

"You really didn't have too." I said. I grabbed my underwear and his shirt from the floor and quickly changed into them.

"Actually this was necessary. Don't you know how it goes in the movies?" He asked.

"This is not a movie Seth, it's reality." I rolled my eyes at him. "But thank you so much." I leaned forward and kissed him on the cheek. Seth is absolutely adorable. I feel honoured to call him my man.

"No need to thank me, I'm just treating you like the princess you are." He said and smiled.

"I'm not a princess though." I said. It is true, if anything I'm far from being a princess.

"You're right, it was my mistake. You're not a princess, you're a queen." He smirked. "And you're gonna prove it to the whole world on Sunday at Fastlane." He added.

"On-screen, yeah I am a queen because that's the character I wanna be. But in reality, I'm not a queen. In fact, I'm nowhere close to even being a princess."

"Whether it's on-screen or reality, you will always be my queen Gabi." He said. This time he's the one who leans forward and kisses me on the lip.

We had our breakfast and then got ready to meet Roman, Bayley, Finn, Dean and Renee. We jumped into his car and he drove off.

Dean and Renee flew to Wisconsin last night while Seth and I were on our date. They decided to come in early because they knew that today would be the only day we could actually chill together and talk about the plan for Sunday. It's already Thursday which means there's only three days until Fastlane. Tomorrow and Saturday is going to be all about training, so today is our only free day.

We arrived at the Green Bay Botanical Garden and looked for our friends. As many people know, the Green Bay Botanical Garden is mainly known for wedding receptions and stuff like that, and for some reason Dean was pretty persistent on choosing this location for our little hangout/meeting. Seth paid the admission fee and we took a stroll inside. Literally the first two people we saw when we entered was Dean and Renee.

"Hey guys." Said Seth.

"Hey brother." Said Dean as they bro hugged each other.

"Hi Gabi." Said Renee as she reached out to hug me.

Renee Young - One of the main and best broadcasters in the WWE. She is also Dean's girlfriend.

"Hey. It's so good to finally see you again." I said as I hugged back. I moved away from Renee and here comes Dean.

"Gabi my sister. How are you?" He said as he pulled me into a bear hug. It was so tight, I could barely even breathe.

"Ugh, you're killing me." I said gasping for air.

"Don't kill my girlfriend you idiot." Said Seth as Dean let go of me.

"Otherwise what?" Dean stuck a tongue out at Seth. Renee looked at me and shook her head.

After finally being able to breathe, I responded to Dean's question earlier. "Deanoooo. I'm all good and you?" I asked.

"I'm good sis." He smiled and replied.

We went for a walk along around the garden. It was a really cool experience. We got to see how beautiful nature really is. Seth got a call from Roman saying that they were by the gate. He told him where we were and after about five minutes they found us.

"Hey guys." I greeted them as they walked towards us.

"Hey beauty!" Smirked Bayley as she reached out to hug me.

Everyone greeted them and then we decided to go see the Thome Fountain. We went on a little site seeing tour and then eventually sat down on the lawn for a lunchtime panic.

"So what's the plan for Sunday?" Asked Dean.

"Well, Owens hasn't accepted my challenge yet so it's all on you on now." Seth said to Dean as he nodded his head.

"There's still three more days." Roman pointed out.

"Roman's right, there's still three more days until the show. Kevin might just accept." Said Renee.

I shook my head in disagreement and say "Nah. He won't accept."

"I'll do whatever I need to do. Just as long as you get that title." Dean said pointing at Seth.

"How are you actually going to attack Sami though? You can't be backstage, you're not on RAW." Said Finn, making a very good point. For some reason, I didn't think about that.

"He can be my guest." Roman smirked. "We can get it around Foley." Roman added.

"Not gonna be easy getting it around the wicked witch though." Said Bayley referring to Stephanie. Yep, we all have our issues with Steph.

"We'll make a plan." Said Renee.

Once we were done eating and discussing the plan, Dean demanded that we all go to the other part of the Botanical Garder, the Upper Roses Garden. At first we didn't want too but when we arrived there, we realized that it wasn't actually a bad idea to go there. They had all these different types of roses, really beautiful ones. The whole scenery was really beautiful.

"Come with me." Said Dean as he took Renee's hand.

"Where are we going?" She asked.

He didn't reply to her, instead he told us to come along with him. We walked to the middle of the garden where there is a beautiful flower gazebo. He took Renee under the gazebo and then looked at us.

Seth turned towards me and smiled. "This will be us one day." He smirked.

"What will be?" I asked confused.

"Guys, I have something I want to say." Said Dean. He took Renee's both hands and intertwined it with his. He looked her into the eyes and began speaking. "Renee, from the moment I laid eyes on you, I knew that you were the one. At first I thought I had no chance with a girl like you because I was a crazy person and you were the decent one but then I decided to give it a shot and surprisingly you accepted me for the nonsense that I am. At times, I turn into a bad, bad man but then I look at you and you make me good again. You make me really happy and I want to spend the rest of my life with you." He said. He then got down on one knee and pulled out a little box from his pocket. Renee immediately covered her mouth with a hand in shock. "Renee, will you do me the honour of marrying me?" He asked.

She nodded and then said "Yes."

Dean put the ring on her finger and got up from the floor. They kissed as everyone cheered and went to congratulate them.

Dean usually acts like the tough guy but this time he was so vulnerable. It was shocking really. This was the first time I've even seen Dean like this. Well I guess that's what love does to you.


1K reads, that's amazing! 😬 Thank you so much ☺️

I know this book is all about Gabi and Seth, but I just had to put the last scene in there. I think Dean and Renee makes a really cute couple and I hope that (in reality) the two of them will really get married. What are your thoughts?

Thanks for reading! 😬 Please vote and comment 🙏🏼❤️ x

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