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Seth's POV.

"You're alright man?" Asked Cesaro as I stared at my drink.

"Yeah man, I'm fine." I lied.

Truth is, I wasn't fine. I was feeling all different types of emotions. Sad, angry, hurt, they were just a few. I can't believe Gabi didn't trust me enough to tell me that she used to be a model. I mean how many other things has she kept away from me all this time? I thought she really loved me, but I guess I was wrong. Cesaro placed a hand on my shoulder, bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Wanna crash in my suite tonight?" He asked. Normally I wouldn't mind sharing a room with Cesaro but this time, I wasn't in the mood. I just wanted to be left alone.

"Nah man. I just want some time to myself but thanks dude." I said and got up from my chair. I threw a few dollars on the table and we walked out of the club. "You can head back to your room, I'm gonna go to reception and get myself another room." I added and Cesaro nodded.

"Take care of yourself alright." He said and I nodded. "See you in the morning." He added.

"I'll text you my room number."


Cesaro left and I made my way to reception. Thankfully there was one vacant room left. Once I was handed my room key card, I made my way to it. I took the lift to the third floor and found my room down the hall. Even though it wasn't a suite, it sure did look comfy. I threw my keys on the nightstand and kicked out my shoes. I pulled my phone out of my jeans pocket and turned it off before placing it onto the nightstand. I stripped down into my boxes and got into bed.

After tossing and turning for a couple of hours, I finally got tired of trying to fall asleep so I got out of bed and decided to fetch my stuff from Gabi's room. I made my way down to Gabi's room and opened the door quietly. Thank goodness she was fast asleep, it allowed me to get my stuff without waking her up.



"Thanks for coming guys." I said feeling relieved.

"Anytime brother." Said Dean.

Last night after fetching my stuff from Gabi's room, I called up Dean and Roman. It was very late but these two morons were still awake and took my call. I asked them to come meet me in Hershey today because I had a guy problem and they did. Dean wasn't scheduled to perform at the Smackdown Live Event so he decided to leave his fiancé at home and come see his brother who needed help. We all took the morning flight to Hershey from our different locations and met up at the hotel.

"I need some advice." I said.

"Alright, talk to us." Roman said and took a bite of his Big Mac.

"Well for starters, Gabi and I are on a timeout." I said. Roman's eyes widen as Dean almost choked on his Coke.

"What do you mean on a timeout?" Dean managed to ask while coughing continuously.

"I called time Dean. It's simply as that." I rolled my eyes at him.

"What happened?" Asked Roman sounding at eased.

Roman takes Gabi as his little sister so I was quiet surprised that he didn't punch me in the face. I was expecting a severe beat down from both of them.

I explained to them what happened and patiently awaited a response.

"Well brother, for once it wasn't your fault." Said Dean.

What an asshole!

"Dean." Roman said and shook his head implying that now wasn't the right time for his bullshit.

"I was only joking." He said wiping his mouth with a serviette. "But seriously brother, I think you should talk to her." He added.

"Yeah. We know you are pissed at her for hiding something that big from you, I mean I know I would be just as pissed as you are right now but you need to talk to her about it, ask her why she hid it from you, find out the truth." Roman suggested.

"Yeah. Maybe there was a background story to it, you know like a past experience and that's the reason she quit modeling." Dean shrugged. "You'll never know until you find out." He added.

This is the reason why I called the two of them. Their the best at giving advice about relationships and everything they say makes sense.

"We know you love her. So go talk to her man." Roman said.

"I do love her, more than anything. She makes me really happy and I wanna spend the rest of my life with her. I mean, from the moment I met her, I knew she was something special. And I miss her like crazy." I said. Roman and Dean both smiled at me. "What?" I asked confused.

"You've finally realized that you found the one." Dean said. He gestured towards Roman smiling. "And we knew it from day one." He added and Roman nodded.

"Yeah scumbag, now go and make things right with my sister." Roman smirked.

"The two of you are such idiots." I said shaking my head. "I can't now. Her flight to Hershey is only tomorrow."

"Wait, you left her alone in Evansville?" Roman asked with a straight face.

"Obviously not. Cesaro is with her." I said rolling my eyes at him.

Did they seriously think that I would do that? Such retards.

"You lucky." Roman said pointing a finger at me.

I ignored Roman and looked towards Dean. "When you going back Dean?" I asked.

"After the RAW Live Event on Sunday." He replied. Roman and I looked at each other with big smiles plastered on our faces.

"You're staying for our Live Event?" Roman asked.

"Yeah. I got some time off. What better than cheering on my two brothers." He smirked.

"And what about Renee?" I asked drinking the last bit of my coke.

"She's flying here tomorrow afternoon." He replied.

Having Dean around for the next couple of days is going to be amazing. Since the brands split, we haven't gotten to spend quality time together but now The Shield brothers are reunited for what's gonna be one hell of a weekend.

"What say we give the fans of Hershey a little treat at the Live Event on Sunday?" I smirked. They both smiled and nodded.

"Just like old times." Dean smirked and stuck his hand out. We did our famous old Shield fist pump and smirked.


The first ever Seth POV in this book. What do you guys think? Are you happy to see the boys back together? Lemme know! 😊

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