C3. A Challenge

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A week later

The first week of school was finally over, and Momoka couldn't believe how time flew by so quickly. And within those five days, she grew a bit closer to her new friends.

But, there was one student who disliked Momoka. Sadatsuka Nao.

There was only one sole reason as to why she disliked Momoka, and it was her closeness with Erina. She adores Erina, the moment she laid her eyes on her, and when she witnessed in one of her classes Erina's beauty in cooking and the like, she was obsessed. So, to simply put it, she wants to be in Momoka's position. And there was only one way to get it, because Tootsuki is a cooking school, after all.


"Sadatsuka-chan? Why are you here?"

And as Momoka was entering the school by herself this time, she was surprised to see Sadatsuka herself, crouching a bit in her place as if she was about to attack someone.

".. Fufu... Amaki-san, good morning," as casual as she can, Sadatsuka greets, ignoring the stares she was receiving from the students nearby.

"Yes, good morning," with a smile, Momoka nods her head in greeting, "Do you need anything from me, Sadatsuka-chan? It's the first time that we've encountered with one another."

"You see.... I want to be closer with Erina-sama," uttered the short black haired female, gripping unto her fingers.

"Oh, really?" Confirmed Momoka, "Well, I can introduce her to you. I'm sure she won't mind, so--"

"You don't understand, Amaki-san," Sadatsuka shook her head, sighing. "I want to be in your stead, when it comes to being Erina-sama's close friend!" Raising her voice, the first year declares, her eyes having a determined glint.


"A Shokugeki!" Sadatsuka declares, pointing her index finger at Momoka. "I challenge you, to a Shokugeki! If I win, I get to be Erina-sama's friend, while you stay away from her!"

It took Momoka a minute to register what Sadatsuka said. She didn't freak out when she heard the term Shokugeki, because when she heard what the other female had said, she concluded that it was just a cook off, whilst the chefs will be betting on something that is of equal value.

"Sure," with a nod of her head, Momoka seals the deal. "However," her voice lowers a bit as she resumed talking, "If I win, you have to," returning to her normal voice, she teased, "Be my friend instead!~"


"Well, what do you say?"

"Alright," reluctantly, Sadatsuka agrees. Though she didn't get why Momoka wanted them to be friends, but she shrugged it off, thinking that she would definitely win.

"What will the theme be?" Inquired Momoka, seeming to be cool about the whole situation.

"Boiled dishes," amused, Sadatsuka states. She was confident with her skills, and she also thought that Momoka was just a newbie at cooking.

"Now that that's settled, please excuse me as I get to my first class," clearing her throat, the orange haired female then walked pass Sadatsuka, a rather serious expression displayed on her slightly tanned face.


Two cooking classes later, Momoka was seen to be by herself. And if anyone would look close enough, they would see that Momoka was thinking deeply about something, considering the fact that she wasn't talking as much as she was before, or was she listening to what her teachers were saying.

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