C23. Breaking News

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A certain double hair colored male walked silently by himself to the room that only selected people were allowed to be in.

As he walked, he looked out of the large windows. The sun was nowhere to be found, being covered by the white fluffy clouds up in the sky. Though despite that, it was quite warm.

Estimating the time around noon, the male sighs to himself. Momoka must be having her fourth class or something, he thinks of the orange haired female he's oddly close to.

Ever since that phone call they both had last night, he was out of himself today. He wasn't as rowdy as he usually is, making some people wonder what on earth happened to the second year.

Shaking his head, he tries to have his mind off of her. Yet it seems to always drift back to her.

Her orange hair that reached her mid back, slightly wavy and never kept in a straight hairdo. Her bright pink eyes, that would always light up whenever she's with him, him of all people. She wasn't the palest, nor the darkest of skin tone, but he liked how she's easy to spot because of it. And her voice, the way it rises and lowers in intonation depending on her reaction and emotion, he loved it--

Get her out of your head, Kuga!

Groaning, the second year really felt the urge to slap himself. He should really keep himself composed and all that, not wanting to be downgraded more than he already is from his peers and such.

A sigh almost leaves his lips when he's already in front of the doors. Finally, he arrived.

Pushing the doors open and letting himself inside, Kuga is surprised to see the room almost empty.

"Ah, good afternoon, Terunori-kun."

Well, there's at least one person to keep him company..

"Oh, Isshiki," blankly staring at his peer, Kuga questions, "Where are the others?"

"As usual, Eizan-kun is busy with his business," beginning to explain, the taller between the two smiles his usual smile. "Kinokuni-kun came by earlier to get some files then left, and our fellow senpai's are still having their classes," he says all that with a smile, tidying some files.

Awfully quiet, the shorter male just nodded his head. He then walked to the filing cabinet where the files of the previous students of Tootsuki were.

He placed them all on the table, and began his search.

Why was he doing this, he wonders and asks himself, but he couldn't find the answer at all. His quiet demeanor already creeps himself out, but for some reason he has one answer to that. A person that answers why he's doing this, why he's like this today.

For Momoka..

He didn't stop, eyes wide open for the name that Momoka had mentioned last night to him. It wasn't just the name that had to match, also how he looks like. Black hair, yellow or gold like eyes, and a smirk.

It took him awhile, about four to five minutes to be exact, but he found it. Well, he found two files that had taken his interest.

The first file, was the file of the name of the male that Momoka had mentioned.

Eyes scanning the profile, Kuga is silent.

Name: Akimoto Shou
Gender: male
Cooking style: Japanese Cuisine
Year: 80th
Status: ALIVE

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