C32. The Dream

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Normal Point of View

The party had ended about an hour before midnight.

Momoka walked her guests outside of the building, a huge smile on her face that seemed so permanent. "Thank you so much everyone for today."

"Any time, Momoka," Kuga responded back for the group, winking.

The female smiles, "Go back home safely."

"I'll send the pictures later!" Alice bids farewell, being pushed by Hisako inside their shared limo.

"Goodnight," Erina added with a elegant smile. She went inside the limo after, suppressing a yawn to leave her lips.

Momoka had said goodbye to everyone. She felt that the party had ended a bit too soon, but she couldn't hold them back from their own schedules.

Inside her room, sitting on her bed, she held a simply paper bag on her lap. She had seen what was inside for a split second, but never really got to examine it as close as she could. Opening the bag, she saw a red bandana inside.

Pulling it out, she smiles again. The red bandana is the exact same copy of the giver of the gift, Kurokiba Ryou.

Momoka stares at it for a few more minutes, examining it. It would seem like it was not special, but it was more than that for Momoka.

And in no time, Momoka had fallen asleep, still holding the bandana.


There were three children inside the kitchen. One of them with black hair, one with unusual white hair, and another one with orange hair.

.. She looks like me?

Momoka has her eyes set on the kid that resembles herself. The kid, meanwhile, had her eyes on the two others kids in the kitchen.

They were cooking, as if their lives heavily depended on it. What Momoka didn't know, it kind of did.

After awhile, Momoka had figured out that they were having a cooking battle. The reason why, she has yet to figure it out.

"Kurokiba-chan, don't worry, there's still a next time." The words of Momoka's look a like had spoken to the black haired male, sending him a small smile.


"It is his fifty seventh loss," mused the white haired female, showing a thin smile.

It can't be.. Alice, too?

Kurokiba Ryou, the black haired male, gritted his teeth angrily. "Tomorrow, be ready with another dish," he commanded confidently.

The one who Momoka as recognized as Nakiri Alice, doesn't hide the shock look on her face. "My, my," she began, "Another duel?"

"He will win!" Defended the little orange haired kid.

"This happens every time he loses," Alice had said. "However, I do not mind. I still want him to be my aide."

The male turns around, arms crossed. "I will win, tomorrow," he had declared, ever so confidently.

"Kurokiba-chan, keep fighting!" His friend cheers.

Clicking his tongue, Ryou just leaves the kitchen.

"He will win, Nakiri-chan!" The orange haired kid repeats once more.

"I still do want him to be my aide, even if he wins or loses, Amaki-chan."

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