C19. Trouble

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A/N: this chapter may be a bit boring so I apologize in advance

Momoka's Point of View

Everything was basically a blur. In a span of ten minutes or so, the same happening from the mall replayed again, but this time with Akira coming to the rescue.

I know the reason why I fought back there; the reason why I seemed to stand up for myself unlike before. And that's because I now have someone I need to protect. Believe it or not, I still think of Hanako as my responsibility, as her older cousin.

Putting those thoughts aside, though, the feeling of Akira's hand holding mind, pulling me into the main building of the resort, it's something still fresh in my memory.

Akira led me to where the other students had gathered, and we even had a few heads turn our way. So when we finally found a spot, I pulled my hand away from him. Yes, it is assuring to have Akira by my side, but I just dislike it when people see and begin rumors that aren't even close to being true.

A few times back then in middle school, there were a few rumors around that Akira and I had a thing. Though it was resolved because a certain senpai of mine had made a announcement about it.

"Oi! Why'd you guys leave me!!"

Looking over my shoulder, I see Hanako hunched over, and she was trying to catch her breath.

"Sorry about that," Akira nonchalantly apologizes, not even the tiniest bit of sincereness in his voice as he says so. He doesn't look sorry at all, but I don't say anything about it

When Hanako was just about to make another retort of hers, someone's voice resounded throughout the large room. At this, everyone is quiet and some even snaps their heads towards the stage, almost as if they were going to break their neck if they weren't able to see whoever is on stage right now.

All students listen intently to the one speaking, Chapelle-sensei, as he explains what's going to happen for this year's training camp and all that stuff that was said on the pamphlet we students received days ago.

He explained of the different happenings and all that such. Then, he said something that I didn't expect at all.

"About the judging, we have invited guest lecturers," began the blond teacher, and the students around me gossiped and whispered to each other. "As busy as they are, they gathered just for today. They are, Tootsuki Academy's alumni!" The last part, he slightly emphasizes on his words.

Right on time, people wearing chef uniforms enter the scene. They proudly present themselves, and it's just then that I recognize who they were.

They're not just any Tootsuki alumni, their famous chefs around Japan, or even around the whole world.

Before I could continue any further of taking it in that these chefs are in front of me, one them speaks.

"You there, starting at the front, the ninth line."

I'm pretty sure that's chef Shinomiya Koujiro. He's quite handsome despite his age, that's for sure.

Just as he said that, all students react. Some panic for a moment but then they realize that it wasn't them, and some just stay neutral, though I can't even react properly because I can't see from where I'm positioned in.

".. Curse our short mothers.." I coincidentally hear Hanako say from just right beside me. She's crazy for even mentioning this in somewhere public, I don't want people finding out about our mothers!

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