C12. The Polar Star Dorm

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Pressing the end button, I pocketed my phone and resumed walking towards my oh so precious bike. It's been more than a day since I've used it, and I'm glad that no one even dared to steal or even move it to somewhere else, I am truly pleased with it. However, I am afraid to think that, if someone were to steal it, problems would arise for sure.

I can, and will, fight for my dear bike. I feel this special connection with it, like it's so special to me that I'll have to protect it.

Removing the thoughts of my bike aside, I got on the said bike, smiling a tiny smile as I balanced and pedaled, heading towards the place Kuga-senpai had told me to go and delivery some paperwork or something. It took quite awhile, even, about more than ten minutes.

After awhile, I had arrived. I got out of my bike, hiding it behind some bushes as I slowly took the appearance of the dorm Kuga-senpai had told me to go to.

.... I don't even know where to start. The long vines creeping up the walls, or the crows on the roof of the dorm? Either way, the outside screams creepy and abandoned all over, it's giving me goosebumps, and I don't even have goosebumps that often. I have to give it to the dorm for making me feel like I want to turn back and not even see the inside of this building, it was too creepy.

My thoughts were disrupted by the loud sound of something I didn't get to decipher at first. And when my mind had registered what it might be, I lifted my head up, and a frown settled on my face when I realized that it was sort of looking like it was going to rain any moment now. The once light blue colored sky now painted a dark gray, the wind picking up as the minute ticked by.

With a sigh and a small huff, I opened the gate, surprised that it was opened and not even locked at all for their security. When I was sure that the gate was properly closed, I headed towards the main door, and rang the doorbell, going as far as to even knock just in case. The wooden doors weren't that welcoming to look at, but I had to ignore the uncomfortable feeling I felt in my guts, and waited for someone to open the entrance.

No one for the previous minutes opened the door for me, welcoming and beckoning for me to come in, no one at all. Honestly, it even got to my nerves, since it was starting to get chilly outside, and I was wearing nothing but my school uniform, and the skirt wasn't much help to the current weather at all.

"Oh? Who might you be?" A sudden voice of a person makes me stiffen for a moment, but I forced to turn around and see who the person was. I was praying and hoping it wasn't some creepy people who could kill me, and I almost let out a sigh escape my lips when I see two quite familiar students behind me. The one who asked who I am was the one and only, transferee who is participating in a Shokugeki days from now. Yukihira Souma.

Beside the redheaded male was a blue haired female, her hair tied in braids, making her have a innocent and cute look. If memory serves me right, her name is Tadokoro? I only got her last name, and not her first name.

"Amaki-san? It's a surprise to see you here," mentioned then the blue haired female, taking in my presence. I'm sure she's quite surprised, I am, too. I didn't expect to end up in this dorm, so I could only return one of the tiniest smile I could muster that wasn't even probably noticeable.

"I'm surprised to be here, too, Tadokoro," I responded back to the female, then averted my attention the the only male between the three of us. "And I'm sorry I didn't introduce myself before," beginning, I bowed my head in greeting, "Amaki Momoka, just a first year like you, Yukihira."

"We've met before, haven't we? You didn't tell me your name," Yukihira reminisces to that time when I approached him before the entrance exams. I nodded my head in agreement to what he says. "Anyway, what brings you here? You staying in the dorm, too?" His questions made me almost laugh, but I held it back, because this person doesn't know anything about me other than my name and the fact that I'm a first year. Nothing else. He doesn't know anything about me, and I think I plan to keep it that way.

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