C20. Annoying Chef

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A/N: I'm writing this in the middle of the night with no wifi connections therefore the dish in this chapter is absolutely fake and I don't know if it's even possible to make it. Just so you all know. Plus this may be a bit boring? Sorry. But.. NEW INTRODUCTION OF A CHARACTER, YAY, I THINK YALL WILL LIKE HIM.

.. Somehow found the time to post this, tho there wont be a end note bc i rlly have nothing much to say. Enjoy! 😊


"For your first assignment in my class, I'd like all of you to pick a piece of paper."

And, no, I'm not proven wrong. My first lecturer is a easy going kind of guy!

There's a small box that our sensei had held out for us, and tiny folded pieces of paper were in it. We each got one, and waited for any further instructions.

"Now that everyone has a paper, unfold it. Whatever word is written, then that'll be your main ingredient for the dish in this assignment," he shows a cheeky face, nonchalantly sitting on the chair provided for him.

He's easy going, cheeky; yes, he may be sort of cute, but I don't hold any respect for him for the couple of minutes I have known him.

Though, we all did as we were told despite my feelings about this situation.

Unfolding the paper that I have gotten, my expression turns blank st the word written in red ink.


Just my luck, huh? I'm not really an expert when it comes to rice dishes, though I suppose that right now is a great time for me to brainstorm for s great dish to be served.

"All of you have two hours to make the dish. The ingredients are already set at the back, though if you wish to add more, then everyone is free to get some ingredients that is in the resort premises," once again, our lecturer, chef Akimoto Shou, instructs us for another time. His lax demeanor slightly irritates me.

Before everyone gets moving, he opens his mouth to speak again. "None of you are allowed to help one another. If I catch any of you exchanging any information that could be of use, then you're out," as he says this, I see the small mischievous smile on his annoyingly irritating face.

"Your two hours, starts now!" As he then announces, the students seem to be in a frenzy to gather their ingredients.

"Butter?! What dish can I make with that?!"

"Move out of my way! Those apples are mine!"

"I got this first, get your own!"

As for me, I'm not as desperate, though I do my best to get the main ingredient of my dish. The rice, yes, I still have to boil it.

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