C35. The Seminar and Untold Secrets

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A/N: its been a little bit over a year since ive last updated :/ i kinda miss this


When two friends are on your doorstep unannounced, asking if they could stay over for a couple of days, what would you do? Hayama Akira stares flabbergasted at the two females in front of him. He stared as if they each grew an extra head.

"I don't even know what's happening here," Hayama releases a heavy sigh, staring down at Momoka. He averts his gaze towards Hanako, as if expecting her big mouth to explain everything here and now.

"We'll explain," Hanako offers him a smile as she says so, "But please do let us in first."

"I told you, we already told Shiomi-sensei about this," Momoka says. She knows that Hayama would let them stay, but she knew he needed the confirmation.

"How come that woman didn't tell me..." Hayama pinches the bridge of his nose before taking a step back to let the two females inside the building.

Hanako enters with her usual enthusiasm, smiling. She then goes first to place her bag down on a table, sitting herself down on a chair. "Phew, we made it..."

Momoka gives Hayama a nod, taking a step forward. She sighs, and halts in her steps while closing her eyes. "Sorry to bother you, Akira," she apologizes genuinely with a small bow.

The tall male stretches his arm out to take the bag she held, but stopped halfway. He instead places it on the back of his neck, trying to look as casual as possible. When Momoka opens her eyes, Hayama nods back at her, "In return, I would really like to know what exactly is going on here."

Momoka does the same thing as her cousin, placing her bag on the table and taking a seat on the empty couch. "It's not much of a story, really. It could be kind of confusing, too..."

"Then start from the beginning." Hayama sits beside Momoka, crossing his arms as he laid back. He isn't really in a rush, and he has the time that he needs as of right now.

Hanako looks at Momoka, nodding her head, as if signalling her that it would be good to tell him. The older cousin nods back, and averts her gaze to the tanned male in the room.

"Kamiko-san has been acting strange lately," Momoka softly began, looking up at the ceiling. "She doesn't leave the house anymore, and always has something for Hanako and I to do. She seems to not want us to go out, since she tells us to cancel any of our upcoming plans."

"Kamiko-nee is plotting something," Hanako adds firmly to back up Momoka's explanation for Hayama to understand, "We just know it."

"Should I be concerned about this matter?" Hayama questions both females with raised eyebrows. From what he just heard, it seems like quite the serious situation.

"Partly, yes," answered Hanako immediately. "However, it's a family matter. We don't want you to be too involved."

Momoka nods her head in agreement. "That's true." She really didn't want any of her close friends to be a part of this mess that they haven't even totally figured out yet.

"Now, I'm quite hungry." Hanako stood up and stretched her arms upwards, grinning towards the only male in the room. "May we use your kitchen, Hayama-kun?" She requests politely, knowing that she still is a guest here.

Without a second thought, Hayama stood up as well. He curtly nods his head, making a beeline to another door that the cousins assumed leads to the kitchen.

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