C34. Meet Ups

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A/N: i know its been a long time so I just had to update even tho the chapter is short. Hope everyone enjoys!!

Ueno Kamiko had never thought that she would meet her one and only brother. She's never met him personally ever since she left Tootsuki all those years ago. She tried to keep her bundle of nerves in check, making sure to be ready of whatever question he throws her way. 

Minutes went by, and Kamiko was starting to think that her brother wouldn't show up. She's just wasting her time, sitting at one of Japan's best restaurants that coincidentally her friend had own.

Kamiko is losing her patience. She's gritting her teeth and clenching her hands, tapping her foot in a way that the other customers just knew the person she is meeting is late. And, that person will surely get an earful from her.

The sound of a chair moving against the wooden floor brings back Kamiko to reality. She looks up, and is met with the usual smirking face of her brother.

"What took you so long, Shou?" Kamiko refrains herself from yelling out of the blue. That would be bad for the restaurant, and would result bad things for Inui.

His signature smirk doesn't falter one bit. ".. Traffic, perhaps?"

"You do not own a car, or any type of vehicle," Kamiko spits her words harshly at the older, arms crossed over her torso.

"You could say I wanted to delay our meeting," Shou playfully chuckles, prompting his chin on his palm. "But anyway, enough about me. What news do you bring?" He changes the topic without a single thought.

Kamiko dismisses the fact that Shou doesn't seem to be changing in personality. He's still the same playful, sarcastic, fun loving jerk. She hates it, she hates him.

"News about Hanako and Momoka," Kamiko began, clasping her hands together.

"Your sister, again?" Shou teases the female, almost in second nature.

Her eyes narrowed seriously, no glimmer of happiness at all. "My sister? You say that as if she isn't your sister at all."

"You and I are only her maternal siblings," Shou counters defensively, walls slowly crumbling. If there's anyone who would push him to the edge and lose his composure, it's Kamiko and her sensitive personality.

"Still siblings," Kamiko shot back a retort, not wanting to back down.

The older groans, pinching the bridge of his nose. Doing a short breathing exercise, he gives in. "Okay, siblings. Now tell me the news."

"Momoka may be regaining a few memories when she was young," a sigh follows after she says this. "She and Hanako are plotting on something, and that's not good."

"The children just like to play," Shou doesn't take this all into heart. His eyes lazily bore into her brown colored orbs, reading her.

Kamiko shook her head in disagreement. "Play? Don't turn your back now. They plan on telling other people as well, if they haven't told more than enough people."

Shou releases a short sigh, looking down on the table. "And who is the next victim of the news?"

"I hear that the Nakiri kid is next." At her words, Shou looks up in surprise.

"Which one?" He questions with genuine curiosity.

"The albino. And her aide, too," distressed, Kamiko answers.

Shou shifts his chin on his other palm, looking uninterested. "Then what do you want me to do? Overreact?"

Composing herself to not yell, Kamiko takes a deep breath. She didn't want to be too expressive in front of Shou, it would mean exposing herself a bit too much. "We try to stop her, of course."

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