Hogwarts train - chapter 1

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Hey so you all know that this is a fan fiction so something my nit be accurate but it's a story and sometimes I have a reason for it so yeah and of course I don't own the characters or things all that is down to the great jk Rowling so yeah vote and comment please it would me a lot and I know I probs have like loads of mistakes

Hermione was anxious to get onto the train as much as she love Hogwarts she was scared about what it would be like without so many people being their, she stood at the workforce side of platform 9 and 3/4 knowing that after this there was no turning back and forth some reason she knew that her life was about to change when she boarded that train.

She plucked up all her courage and ran through everything was the same as it had been that 1st year she boarded the train yet nothing was the same it was a feeling she couldn't explain
She spotted a certain red head and ran over to him they shared a shirt sweet kiss then they broke apart and he smiled at her

"Heyyy Ron" lavanda said running over to him Hermione felt her blood turn cold this girl just had a way of always annoying her
"Oh hey" he said back really quickly then giving her a wide eyed stair confusing Hermione

"Oh You didn't say that you to were together" she says awkwardly gesturing to Ron and Hermiones hands intwinde,
"Didn't I tell you I must have forgot" Ron says
"You to saw each other in the summer" Hermione question confessed of when they saw each other Ron said he couldn't meet her much as he was too busy helping his mum with stuff so when did he have time to meet Lavander

"No" "yes" they both say at the same time, causing Hermione time rolls her eyes
"I mean yes but we just bumped into each other one day in diagonaly"  Ron says reassuring Hermione that he had just bumped into her but she felt something was wrong in the pitch if her stomach
"Oh ok" Hermione replied cautiously , lavanda looked pitifully at Hermione and like she was ashamed of something that was happening but Hermione couldn't think of what it could be.
"Her lav can I get a word with you" Ron says gesturing to a clear spot
"yeah sure" she says looking sheepishly at Hermione
"You didn't tell me you had a girlfriend" she said looking angrily at him
"Why does it make a difference" he replied in a loud grunt
"You know why Ronald" she replied Sharlply
"Hey, I know lavanda but it ......"
Hermione was listening to their convocation from behind a pillar but was interrupted before she could here any more,
"Hey mione" a red headed girl said embracing the witch in a bone crushing hug
"Hey gin" she replied back to the younger Witch, Ginny had her hair in two fetch plaits and had and a green floral summer dress on complementing her flaming red hair
"Where's Harry?" Hermione asked
"Did I here my name" says a boy with scruffy raven hair and a lightening scar on his forehead.
"Hey Hermione" he says giving her a friendly hug
"What took you so long" ginny says to her boyfriend joking with him
"You left me with two trunks what do you expect" he says jokingly while giving her a quick kiss on the lips, throwing his arm over her shoulder
"Where's Ron" Harry asks looking at Hermione
"Talking with lavanda"  Hermione replies bluntly
"Why" he asks
"I don't know ask Ron" Hermione snaps back
"Ask me what" ron says putting his arm over her shoulders emerging from crowds
"Oh nothing" Harry says shaking his head
"Come on let's get on the train before are compartment is taken" harry says quickly,
Hermione looks on as Harry takes ginnys case as well as his own but Ron just leaves hers to take.
"Thanks Ron" she mumbles,

Does he even love me,

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