Back in the carrige- chapter 4

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"Hermione what was that about"Harry says not looking up from his magazine

"Emmm Zabini is my twin brother"

"What the hell" Harry continues

"I know I mean he's alright ..."

"I mean what the hell happened to you you look" Harry says

"Bloody like a super model" Ron interrupts

" well not from my height"

"Yeah but that makes you look cute and the height makes the whole look look even better"

"Well thanks"

"Oh my bloody merlin my girlfriend looks like that I think I am dreaming"

"Charming Ronald, charming"

"Ron will you quit staring at me"

"I would if I could"

"Ok we get it take a photo it will last longer"

"Don't tempt me babe" he says giving me a genuine smile, as much as he gets on my nerves I do love him

"How come you never liked me this much before"

"Mione I don't love you anymore than I did half an hour ago I just think that before you were pretty but now you are stunning"

"Prettier than lavender" I say under my breath

"Way prettier than lavender" he says cupping my cheek

"I love you Hermione"

"Love you to Ron"

"Come on give me a hug"
Maybe it will be alright for us
"Hey Hermione are you ready" blaise says giving me a smile


"Where are you going mione" Ron says

"Ohhh em blaise wanted me to meet his friends" I say tucking some of my long hair behind my ears

"Will Malfoy be there" Harry says

"Don't worry potter I won't let any of them hurt her I they wouldn't anyways she's my sister, they will all just treat her like their sister that's what happens with any of are gangs siblings"

"Well ok, be careful mione" Ron says

"I will" I say standing up and bending over to give him a peck on the lips

" bye Harry"

"Later Hermione"
"So you and Ron"

"What about us"

"Well are you, you know dating"

"Yeah we are"

"Ok give me how does he treat you"

"Really already with the protective brother"

"Of course" he says with the signature Slytherin smirk

"Well yeah I mean I think he like lavender though" I sat looking down

"If he hurts you il kill him sis"

"Thanks blaise"


"What makes you think that"

"I dunno well when ever he sees lavender he always kisses me like he's trying me make her jealous and he doesn't seem that into me anymore"

"Even now you look like the hottest girl at Hogwarts" he says

"Well he's practically drooling over me now but I want him to like me because of who I am not what I look like now"

"I get you herms"

Then he stops waking

"Ok we are here"

"What if they hate me"

You will be fine" he says while opening the door and I quickly straighten out my outfit
I look in to see 8 people sat down taking, Pansy Parkinson, Astoria Greengrass, Draco Malfoy, Theodor Nott and and 4 others I didn't know
"Hey" pansy said to me
"Hello Hermione this is my younger brother Lucas" Astoria said
"Hello Lucas" I looked at the boy he 5th year I think one of the popular in his year
"Hello" he replied giving me a handshake
"Hey there, this is my younger sister Maggie"
"Hello Theo, hi Maggie"
"Hi" said the girl I'm guess she is in first year
Then Blaise introduced me to too others " this is Maddison" he said pointing to a girl with hair much like my own probably in 1st year to
"And this is Cameron" he said pointing to a boy with short hair tall like Maddison and Blaise but green eyes like my own he looks like he is in 4th year
"They are your other two siblings"
"Ohh hey"
"Your really pretty" says my sister Maddison
"Thanks so are you"
"Must run in the family" said a voice that could belong to only one person

Draco Malfoy
"Hey granger"
"It's zabini now mate" Blaise says
"I know but she's always gonna be granger to me"
"Welcome to the gang, granger" he says giving me a actual smile. I then go and sit between Madison and Astoria

Maybe this year won't be so bad

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