Chapter 30- please help me

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General POV
Draco and Harry left dumbledoors office that day and went straight to Malfoy manor thinking that there was a slight chance that maybe she was here,

Draco pushed open the big entrance doors and a loud creek followed it the house looked dead, there were cobwebs everywhere and each room was like a something off a horror film, all the furniture as in a perfect placement not one picture frame was even slightly crooked, but the whole place was covered in dust and cobweb,

The sound of his shoes echoed along the long corridors he felt saddened when he saw a portrait it had him at the very front sat perfectly he was only younger at the time maybe 7 or 8 his hair was slicked back like a mini version of his father, his dad was also in the picture smiling smugly holding his cane, one Draco remembers being hit with many times,

In anger Draco picked the frame gently off the wall before violently throwing it on the floor, 

They searched the rest of the house but found nothing, then Draco felt a sharp pain in his chests as though he had been hit with the a strong curse
Hermione fell to the ground after being hit with a strong curse in her chest belatrix was flying curses at her,


"Draco it's been a whole month since she's been gone and we are no closer to finding her" Harry says

"We will find her, I know we will" Draco says to Harry

"So Hermione how are you feeling" bellatrix asks

"Fine" Hermione says spitting in bellatrix

"Little girl! That was a bad move, your not a gryfindoor anymore so let go of the gryfindoor courage" Bella yells at her

"Never!" She yells at the older witch

"Then you can stave for another day" and with that she slams the door leaving Hermione alone tied to the chair

Please help me Draco, please find me, please help me, Draco help me, I am alive, come and save me, she says in her head holding back the tears

I'm coming

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