Chapter 38- the interview

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The party was a long night by the end if it Hermione's heels were off and Draco's jacket was off, and they were sat at one of the tables talking to Hermione's and Draco's mum,

"I'm just so happy for you too" Hermione's mum gushed

"My little boy is all grown up" Draco's mum says touching his hair but Draco pulls away but still

"When are you thinking about having the wedding"

"I don't know, we were thinking hold it off for another year and maybe have it in the summer"

"Whenever and wherever it is it will be beautiful" Draco's mum says patting Hermione's hand

"Miss Zabini, Mr Malfoy can I talk to you too for a second"

"Yeah sure" they both say, greeting goodbye to their mums

"I was wondering if I could have an exclusive interview, to iron out any facts true or untrue" says the reporter

"Fine a quick one" Hermione says

"How long have you and mr Malfoy been going out" he says addressed to me

"Well about 5 months" to me

"Ok" he says jotting it down

"Mr Malfoy how did you know that miss zabini was the one"

"She's smart, funny, brave, the most beautiful girl I have ever laid eyes on" he carries on the list and I blush the whole way thorough his answers
We probably got asked another 10 questions until we got to

"So miss zabini how many times did you cheat on Mr Weasley"

"Not once" I reply trying to stay calm

"Have you got any proof for this"

"No out I can prove he was cheating, wait here a second"
I went out the room and came back to find a angry looking Draco and a scared looking reporter

"Heres is your proof now leave me alone, add it to you article what ever I don't care but leave us alone"

"What is that you have him" Draco says as we leave the room

"A picture or ron and lavender getting off on my old bed" I say

"How did you get that"

"Harry sent me it a couple of months ago"

"It's dated from a time when we were together"

"You little minx" Draco says picking me up and swinging me over his shoulder

"Put me down" I shout at him in a playful way

Then he takes me back in the ball room and we dance yeh night away

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