Chapter 31- mind talk

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I'm coming did she imagine it, she swore she heard his voice,


Yeah it's me, wooh this is cool we can like mind talk

Yeah it seams so, ok focus

Wait your not dead!

Well obviously not, why would you think that

Because this guy said they found your ashes

They must have been lying

I get that now

Where are you mione?

I don't know she says stating to cry

I'm gonna find you describe what you see

Well I am in a dark room there are some posters in the wall

What do they say

Death eaters are supreme

I think I know where you are

Draco I'm scared

I will save you hold on

I think your. Aunt is coming
Draco she's going to hurt me!

Stay strong baby
"Harry I know where she is, come on"

"Where are we going" Harry ask
Before he even finishes his question Draco has took his hand and aparartes to a location

"Hello aunt Bella"

"Draco darling, how are you"

" I will be a lot better when I get my girlfriend back, stuplify!" He hays pointing his wand he then rushes past her bursting open a door and yelling down the hall




"Baby where are you"


"In here" he hears a low whisper coming from a room he goes to push it open but it's locked

"Alohamora" but it still wouldn't open he then kept pushing it with his shoulder till it finally opened,

He ran over to Hermione, she smiled up at him then collapsed, he picked her up then apparated back to Hogwarts

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