Chaopter 26-Narcissa black

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"Draco stop"

"Why it's funny, you are so ticklish" he says

"Stop!" I say laughing

"It would be easier to believe you if you weren't laughing" he says tickling me even more

"Phahaphaha, sto-hahahah" I say

"Never!" He yells

"Sorry to interrupt your love fest" ron says walking into the carriage on the train to hogsmade

"What are you doing in her" Draco say

"There are no other carriages, can I stay in here?"

"Hell no" Draco says sitting up and straitening his clothes out from the lying down position we were in and pulling me up

"But there are no other carriages" ron says

"I don't care get out, leave mione alone" Draco says

"Mione" ron says in a patronising voice imitating Draco

"So that's what you call her now?" Ron asks

"Yeah that and my girlfriend" Draco says sharply

"What!" Ron shouts

"Ron leave me alone" I say in almost a whisper, still scared of him

"You to are going to regret this!" Ron says charging out of the carriage

"What happened to the golden trio?" I say snuggling into Dracos chest as he plays with my hair

"I don't know baby"

General POV
Draco and Hermione walk into the 3 broomsticks his arm over her shoulder to keep her warm and he pushes open the door holding it open for her then they go to one of the back tables and he goes and orders some drinks. While Hermione played with her hair

"Hello what can I get you" the bartender asked and Draco gave his order

"Hello master Malfoy" a tall guy says

"Sorry do I know you" Draco asks shaking hands with the guy

"No, no I'm actually a old friend of your mothers went to school together high school sweethearts but then she had the arranged marriage to Lucius and you were born and so on, I have never actually met you though"

"So how do you know what I look like" Draco asks

"Platinum blonde hair, grey eyes, tall athletic build I know a Malfoy when u see one and also the girl have it away" the man says pointing at Hermione

"That is Hermione zabini everyone knows about her, and it has also been in the paper that you two are together so I put two and two together and realised you as young master Draco" the gentleman says

"Ok, so do I get to know your name" Draco asks

"Marcus, Marcus Edwards" the guys says

"Wait you the guy in the photo my mum has, she has a box full of things about you" Draco says to the older guy

"She does, well that's cissa for you"

"Only my dad ever called her cissa" Draco says

"I was the first to say it" Marcus says

"So how is your mum?" Marcus asks

"Good she is getting a divorce from Lucius" Draco says

"Lucius is in askaban"


"Well young man I will let you get on, I think little miss zabini is missing your company, do tell her I offer my condolences for her younger sister" he says and with that he is gone.

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