quiditch-chapter 76

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A few weeks has past and a new quiditch game coming up, against raven claws we were a bit nervous as we hadn't played raven claw yet bit this year they had been on fire winning their game against the huddle puff and gryfindoor they also link us had a new seeker and u was nervous to go against him

I was getting ready for the game I could feel myself shaking with nervous I knew as soon as I got onto the pitch I would have to pretend to be as confident as ever one thing being on the Slytherin team taught me is that you have to keep up your reputations my reputation was being confident it tends to freak the other teams that's how I had beat all the other teams you got act like you have already won the game even before you get in the pitch

I was standing holding my broom getting ready to go on fixing my jumper
I heard my name being called I shot up into the arena and heard the crowd chanting my name Tehran cold air like a slap to my face
I didn't wave to anyone, Slytherin's were not here to wave to the crowd and be all smiley that wouldn't make up win so we kept dark faces to intimidate the opposotions I looked around and my eyes met draco my lips almost broke into a smile but I refused them to we nodded heads it was a way to say 'good luck and I love you'

It was a packed audience this watch the match to see

The Canon fired we were off my eyes scanned the pitchike a dart but I couldn't see the snitch so I looked around for it I could see that even this early on Slytherin's were doing really well gaining loads of points I looked around to find the other seeker,
He was a boy about a year younger than me I stared him down and shot past him knocking him almost off his broom in the first place he regained balance but his face had turned a deep beetroot shade
3o minutes later
Then game had been running for 45 minutes
There's the snitch, I tried not to make it obvious so the other seeker wouldn't notice but I was to late he had noticed and we were off on a head to head it was almost in my grasp the wind was muffling my ears but I could still hear the roar of the crowd egging me on so I reached forward to grab it but the other seeker pushed my broom causing me to hurtle to the ground I had the snitch in my hand but I crashed to the ground every bone in my entire body stinging I heard the crowd fall silent then a cry of my name it was draco

"Mia, Mia wake up come on" he said gently shaking me my eyes opened and he sighed with release he gave me a quick kiss and I showed him the snitch in my hand he grinned lowly and we stood up me showing the crowd the snitch

"And she's done it again, Hermione zabini has caught the golden snitch"  the crowd went wild my fave dropped when I saw the state of my broom it was broken beyond repair I just left it and started walking away then the other groups seeker came over I felt draco drop my hand

"Right you little half blood, of you ever even think about pulling something like that again you will be 6 feet under" Draco says punching him hard in the face

"Come on Mia" I quickly followed him.

"Mr Malfoy what was that?" Mcgonagle exclaims

"A punch" Draco says sarcastically

"Don't not take that tone with me" she says

"OK but if you will excuse me if have a celebration party to go to" Draco says pushing past her I struggle to contain my laughter as he grabs my hand and pulls me out the door

We are all in a circle in the Slytherin common room all drunk out of our minds

"OK so I have a game, called truth or dare but with some new rules basically you have to all take some truth serum at the start so no one can lie and then we all do the game but if you fail a dare you have to take  a shot of this muggle drink called vodka" Draco says slurring his words and we all all agree

"OK I dare you Hermione to take your top off" Draco says to me and I take my top off leaving me in my bra and black skirt" he smirks at me and I throw my top at him

"truth or dare" I say to Astoria

"Dare" she says smiling

"I dare you to creep out in the corridor them scream at the top of your voice that you killed that are hole of a cat" she smirks and leaves the corridor and Screams it until we hear norris come out and he starts screaming then she runs back in the room in fits of laughter

"OK Jessica truth or dare" Astoria says smiling

"Truth" she smiles sweetly

"Who do you fancy" Jessica looks turned as she has to tell the truth cause of the truth serum she told

"Blaise" Jessica says quietly and Astoria gives her devil eyes

"OK blaise truth or dare" Jessica says raising her eyebrow

"Truth" he says awkwardly

"How many times have you cheated on Astoria with me since you have been dating her" Jessica says menacingly

"Every day" he blurts out then tries to cover his mouth but it's to late Astoria storms out the room I grab Draco's sweater pulling it on and chasing after her

Sorry the update took so long but I have been mega busy

Fun question we're do you guys think in from?

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