What do you mean- Chapter 2

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The carriage door slides open,
"Who is tha..."



"What are you doing here"

"Sorry Weasley but I am here on a private matter to talk with Hermione" he smiles at me

"Me why"

"Listen can I please just talk to you out side"

"Hermione carful you can't trust a snake"

"Or a lion, RON" I say gritting my teeth at him I know that he has been doing something recently I just don't know what. I follow blaise out side

"Look what do you want blaise cause if it's to tease me you can piss off

"Hermione have I ever actually been mean to you"

"Well no but you hang about with Draco who hates me" this make him smirk

"He doesn't hate you "

"Sorry I forgot you bully and torment people you want to be friends with" I reply sarcastically

"His parents forced him to he would of been beaten for even talking to you"

"Ohh I didn't know"

"I know you didn't do it's fine"

"Blaise why do you want to talk to me"

"I am just going to come out and say it"

"Go on then"

"You see the thing is"


"I mean I need to tell you that"

"Blaise just say it"

"Well Hermione your my sister"

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