Games night or not-chapter 6

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So Maddison and Maggie got sorted into Slytherin too,

"Hey what about a games night"
Cameron suggested

"Yeah good idea cam" Lucas said

"You guys in" he continued

"I am u in draco" Theo said

"Yeah u in Blaise" draco said

"Yeah pansy, ast and mione you 3 in"

They all agreed, "Maggie and maddy can't make it they have some party thing that the first year Slytherins do on the first night" pansy says

"Ok lets all meet back in the commons room at 8" Lucas says

"Hermione lets show you the common rooms"

"In a bit I think I am gonna go to the Gryffindor common rooms first I need to speak to Ron and that lot" Hermione said

"Ok sure see you later" Astoria said
"Her Hermione" Ron says

"Hey Ron" I say walking into the Gryffindor common room

"How's living with the snakes" Ron says

"Are you forgetting that I'm a snake now" I say

"Hermione" Ron says


"The boys bedroom is free we could go up there

"I don't want to"

"But I want to"

"Look I'm not in the mood for that"

"WELL YOUR MY GIRlFRIEND SO YOU HAVE TO" he says grabbing my wrists

"GET OFF ME" I yell

"Hermione if I say we are doing something we are doing something you get it" he says pulling me into him

"Get off me Ron" he the kisses me forcing his tongue my throat
He drags me upstairs even though I am trying to get away from him

"Stop please ron this isn't you"

"You better believe it is" he says spitting in my face
I stare at myself in the mirror horrified over what just happened, how didn't I stop him why didn't I bring my wand. I cry looking at my body and my red eyes

"Not so beautiful now" he whispers coming in the bathroom

"Stay away from me" I say backup no up into the corner

"Hermione that is no way to talk to your boyfriend"

"I can't believe you did that to me"

"Well I was getting impatient it wasn't that bad"

"I hate you" I snarl in his face


He slaps me hard across my face

"I'm sorry that it had to come to that but it had to be done"

"You just raped me and you are saying that it had to be done" I yell

"Keep your voice down baby" he says smirking wickedly

"I am not your baby and WE ARE OVER" I say

"You should know, I cheated on you with lav" he says

I run faster than I have ever ran before
I start uncontrollably sobbing as I say the password and run through the common room to the bedrooms

"Hermione" pansy shouts running up followed by Astoria

"Mione" Astoria says coming into are bedroom

"Who do I have to kill" pansy says

"I need a shower I feel dirty" I mumble between sobs

"MIONE COME HERE SIS" Blaise shouts from outside the room

"What happened" Astoria says hugging me tight while I sob

"He did, he did what he said he would never do"

"What did he do sweetie" Astoria says

"Do you want Blaise" pansy says

"I don't care it will be easier if they all find out now"

"Ok huni" pansy says and walks to the door and opens it to let a very worried blaise in and a also worried draco, Theo , Lucas and Cameron

"Awwwww sissy what happened" Cameron says

Then I tell them all what happened
"He's fucking dead" says Blaise

And Cameron, draco, Theo and Lucas agreed and run out of the room

"Where are they going" pansy asks

"Probably to kill Ron" Astoria says

"Come on we have to stop them" I say standing up

I look in the mirror quickly and try to sort out my hair quickly and dry my eyes

"Lets go"

Blaise POV

I am going to kill him, how dare he do that to her he's as good as dead

"Where is he"

"Who and why are you bashing on the portrait of the Gryffindor common room" Harry says

But they all push past him and see a smug looking ron in the common room

"Hey boys" he says

"I trusted you with my sister" I yelled

"You worthless piece of rubbish" Lucas adds

"You mess with my sister you mess with the whole gang" Cameron adds

"You are gonna regret ever even thinking of hurting mione" Theo says

"How sad is it that someone who she used to think of as her enemy is now sticking up for her to a person she though of as a best friend" Draco says throwing in the first punch

"Hey stop" Harry yells

"Why he RAPED Hermione" Draco yells punching ron harder

Then Harry joins in

"STOP" Hermione screams running into the room

"He's not worth it"

"He deserves to be dead" draco yells

"Please stop I can't take it" Hermione calls

I look over to see my sister crying hysterically I go over and hug her like today's the last day on earth
"We will stop if you want" I whisper into her ear

"Please" she says so quietly that I can hardly make out

"Guys stop he's not worth it"

Then we all leave Draco picking

Hermione up carrying her out as she is to weak to even walk.

They say dark times reveals who your true friend are and today really did.

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