Me a zabini- chapter 3

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"My parents gave you up at birth because Voldemort was making ever girl born from a death eater family into a slave for him, and our parents couldn't live with the idea of you becoming a Slave to him so they gave you up to some of their muggle friends who couldn't have a baby"

"Wait so your my brother"

"Well actually your twin brother"

"Wow this is a lot to process"

"I know and I am sorry that you had to be told like this, but it's what the grangers asked us to do"


"And are parents want us to meet them next weekend at the 3 broomsticks fit lunch"

"Ok sure"

"Ohhh and another thing you have a appearance charm on you"

" I do"

" yeah do you want me to take it off you"

"Will I still look like me"

"Yeah you will you will just have some difference like hair colour, eye colour and maybe your height and body shape, is that ok"

"Yeah" I can't believe this I am a zabini, I'm a pureblood

"Ok here we go" blaise says

Instantly my hair starts to grow longer and it stops when it reaches just bellow my hips, my hair colour goes dark like a dark chocolatey brown colour and forms like ringlet curls, wow its really long and beautiful, my arms start to tan and my waist becomes slimmer and my body is more curvy i got shorter and am now like 5'2 I go and look in the mirror and I am like really beautiful my eyes are a vibrant green and my skin is great I have some cute freckles over my cheeks and nose.

"Wow Hermione Draco is gonna freak when he sees you"

"What do you mean"

"Well if he thought you were beautiful before he is gonna be speechless now"

"Emm I have to go and see Harry, Ron and Ginny" I say confused about what he just said

"Ok, Hermione I am really glad your my sister you know, I have always tried to look out for you like in 1st year I was the one who notified teachers about the troll and in 2nd year I was the one who found you petrified and there are more but anyways"
I then go ahead and hug him

"I have always felt like part of me is missing but know I feel whole"



"Can I come and get you in 20 mins then you can come meet the others"

"Emm ok sure"

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