Chaptet 25-What has happend to the golden trio

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What has happened to the golden trio
An article by Rita skita
After the recent attack after Hogwarts where a number of student fought against death eaters in the forbidden forest once again are world has been saved by Hogwarts kids, but this time not lead by Harry Potter but one of his sidekicks Hermione granger,

Arguably the only reason the rest of them have survived that long is the brightest which of her age with even Harry Potter saying in a recent interview that if it wasn't for her he and rob would be dead long ago,

But as for ron has he got tired of the limelight and being a hero and was nowhere to be seen. But from a source at Hogwarts we have been told that Hermione granger and ron Weasley are no longer dating but nobody knows why but that Hermione is never around him and that something big must if happened, what in the world could of split up this perfect couple,

After they were seen swanning around in Paris and dining in Egypt and swimming in the sea in Spain Sumer after the war, what went wrong? And why is ron Weasley no longer apart of the trio? Had he been replaced or is it no the golden duo.

But as we believe she is no longer even a muffle born, she in fact was adopted by a muggle family to keep her safe from Voldemort, and is now living with her true family the zabinis and is in fact ex death eater Blaise zabinis twin sister,

But after recent events how long till Harry and Hermione fall out, as this which seems to have doom following her after her sister only 2 months ago passing away but unknown why.

We have also been told that Draco Malfoy and Hermione zabini have been getting closer, could we have a new famous couple but can it work,
The death eater and war hero?
Only time will tell

"How could she right about Maddie?" I say

"For goodness sake why can't she leave you alone" Draco says grabbing the paper out of my hands and reading it,

"How does she get all this information?, she could right a book about you love" Draco says

"It's not funny it's actually really creepy, the even know about me and you, we haven't even told are parents yet" I say leaning back into the sofa in the common room my legs on Draco

"Don't fret they will be happy for us" Draco says kissing me on the lips to shut me up and I smile into the kiss

"Trying to distract me Malfoy"

"Better believe it granger"

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