Chapter 37- just the two of us

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General POV

Draco and Hermione were packing back up to go back to Hogwarts,


"Yes Hermione"

"Are we going to tell people about the engagement, we should have a big party tonight to celebrate" Hermione asks excitingly

"I was thinking we could just to go out and celebrate are selves" Draco says

"Well if that's what you want" Hermione says sadly

"Listen we can celebrate another time I just want it to be me and you for a bit" Draco says hugging her

"Ok" Hermione replies

"I have to go love" Draco says

"What? Where?" She questions

"I will tell you later" and with that he has left the room,

Hermione POV

Why is he beefing so secretive I feel like he is ignoring me it has been like it for a couple of days,

maybe he is embarrassed about what everyone is saying ,

what if he is embarrassed of me,

Normal POV

Hermione herd a knocking on her bedroom door,

"Who is it"

"It's me Ginny"

"Ginny! What are you doing here" she says running to her best friend

"Well Draco told me you were acting a bit sad, so I thought hey I could come and cheer you up"

"You were talking to Draco?"

"Well yeah I emm, just saw him in diagonal alley"

"Oh ok"

"Well he told me you had a date tonight so I thought I would help you get ready" she says pointing to the bags she brought

"You are gonna look amazing" she says pushing Hermione into a chair and stars brushing her hair

"And I'm going to put away any mirrors and give you a blind fold so you won't know what you look like"

"Ok Ginny, do you worst" and with that she started

"Ginny I can't see where I am going" Hermione says with Ginny guiding her near to the ball room

"I feel like I look really over dressed" she says feeling her dress her only idea to how she looked

"You will fit in just perfectly" Ginny says also in a ball gown, she was in a expensive dark emerald shade to contrast her hair perfectly,

Hermione was wearing A two piece that shows bit of skin around the stomach, a dark thick purple, the top fitted and studded with diamonds and black lace over the purple, the skirt with a band of the black lace then punches out into chiffon all the way to the ground with a slight train,
Was a little less formal but Ginny wanted to show that she wasn't really old and that she was the next generations of malfoys that were less formal, and more fierce and untouchable,

The hall went silent

"Ginny can I take this thing off yet"


"Where the hell is draco" she says taking the blind off out then her eyes being covered my hands

"Ginny this isn't funny" she says then pulls the hands away and is face to face with her husband,

Dressed to impress with a black tux and a tie that matches her purple

Everyone yells surprise and Hermione covers her mouth gobsmacked seeing that Draco had organised a perfect party for her and all her friends were there to,

"Draco omg I love you so much" she says hugging her fiancé

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