So is he your boyfriend- chapter 10

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"So I take it you had a nice time with James, huh" pansy says nudging me
"It wasn't bad" I say smirking
"Hey pans pass me a apple" I ask her
"What kind"
"Get that's my kind" says Draco as he joins the breakfast table
"Tough look because I just got the last one" I say as pansy chucks it at me
"Not fair" he says
"Life's not fair" I say taking a bite out of the apple
"Hey there" says James as he walks over to me
"I really enjoyed last night"
"So did I"
"Anyways you coming to watch me play quiditch this weekend" James asked
"Yeah I mean" I say but get interrupted
"She's coming to watch me anyways so she will be there" Draco says
"Cool see you there" he says kissing me on the cheek and walks off
"Jealousy doesn't look good ok you draco" pansy says
"Me jealous, oh mione and James, nah I don't think so"
"Hey Malfoy we never agreed that I would come and watch you play quiditch"
"Well know we have"
"So is he your boyfriend now then"
"I don't think so, but I do like hanging out with him"
"I don't trust him"
"Why not" I ask
"You should be with someone who deserves you"
"Who would that be"
"I dunno I mean someone like me, but not me because I definitely do not like you like that, I mean you blaises little sis, his hot little sis but still his little sis"
"So I need to be with someone like you but not you"
"Yeah" Draco says
"You play quiditch"
"James plays quiditch"
"Well that's all we have in common"
"Your in Slytherin, he's in Slytherin"
"Your not getting the point"
"Whatever Draco see you lot around" I say storming off to the library"

Pansy POV
"So how are you gonna win her over" I ask
"What do you mean"
"It's obvious you like her"
"Yeah but she likes James"
"So your gonna have to win her over"
"How am i gonna do that"

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