Chapter 27-Awards ball

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"I'm gonna teach you" Draco says

"No your not" Hermione says taking a sip out of her drink then leaning on Draco

"Yes I am, you are gonna be great"

"I'm scared of it" Hermione says

"I will be there the whole time" Draco says

"Fine then I will teach you how to cast a patronus" Hermione says

"You don't know how to cast a patronus" Harry says

"Neither do I" Astoria says

"Or me and pans" Blaise says

"So I'm gonna teach you all how to caste a patronus" Hermione says

"And I'm gonna teach Mione how to play quiditch" Draco says

"But first we have to go to the hall professor dumbledoor has an announcement"


"Hello 7th years I have an announcement to make"

"I have decided to hold an awards night and a dance, it will be held next week and we will have a section of the awards that the teachers judge and a set that the pupils vote on, I want everyone there, I will also be having speeches from head boy and girl"

"Well that's great, isn't it" Draco says

"It will be fun"

"I have to do a speech it won't be fun" Draco says

"I still can't believe u and Mione are head boy and girl" Astoria says

"Excuse me" Hermione says

"Well I can believe Hermione head girl but, Draco really??" Pansy says

"Yeah sorry drake but I didn't see it either" Hermione says cuddling into him

"Great to know I have a girl friend and friends who think so highly of me" Draco says laughing

"Ok dress shopping" Ginny says in the carriage

"Mione what colour are you going so I can match with my tie" Draco asks

"I dunno yet, you just get your dress robes and I will get my dress and tomorrow we will go and get you a tie" Hermione says

"Ok love" Draco says

"Awww you to are just the cutest" Astoria says

"We are really not" Hermione says

"Yeah that's my little sis I don't need to talk about her and my best friend being cute together" Blaise says

"Aww are you being protective blaise" Hermione says patting him on the shoulder and he laughs

"Hello dears how many of you are there" the dress maker asks

"5" Hermione replies

"Ok come one at a time and I will pick you the perfect dress"

"You ginger girl I will sort you out first" she says and Ginny walks up to her and stands in this booth thing then the dress maker reaches into a machine thing that picks out a perfect dress, and Ginny tries it on,
Ginnys dress was a deep purple shade and it was fully fitted till it sprang out like a fishtail style making all her curves look amazing and making her look flawless,

"Omg gin you look amazing" Astoria says

Then pansy was next, her dress was her black it was fitted all the way to her ankles making her look taller, it had tiny detailing in green and she look perfect,

Then it was Astoria her dress was lace and long sleeved and was like a creamy pink colour and she look gorgeous in it,

Then it was Lunas and hers was different shades of blue with lace flowers and crystal and diamonds on it.

Then it was hermiones, she was really nervous, when she put it on she looked in the mirror, the dress was pure white with sliver and green diamonds on it it was hemmed with green and silver and fitted her top half perfectly clinging to every curve then it reacher about her waist and burst out cascading in diamonds and the colour faded to a green at the bottom, she look amazing,


"You look amazing!!!!"

"That is the dress!"

"Draco is gonna die when he sees you".

"So what colour is it" Draco asks

"Green" Hermione replies

"Always new you were a Slytherin"

"Shut up Malfoy"

"Last names are we, zabini"

"To right malfoy"

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