Im not gonna let you get dragged down with me - chapter 13

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How cute is little Draco

"Draco" I say as he fiddles with my hair

"Yes mione"

"What are we" I ask cautiously

"Wizards ?" he replies

"You know what I mean" I say

"Your the smart one you work it out" he says chuckling

"Are we together" I ask and pull away from him and turn around so I am facing him

"I want to be" he says

"So why can't we"

"Your just out of a relationship"

"It was hardly a relationship it lasted like a week"

"Your heads not in the right place at the moment mione"

"If you don't want to be with me then just say it" I say raising my voice

"I do, I really do I just don't want to"

"Don't want to what Draco"

"Drag you down with me"

"Hey I don't care that you have stuff going on"

"Mione I'm drowning and I am beyond saving I don't want you to drown with me"

"Draco please don't do this"

"Mione you deserve a stable relationship one with a good guy"

"I tried the good guy and look where it got me why can't I try the bad boy"

"Because, I don't know but we can't be together it would be a car crash" Draco says the words I don't want to hear

"I think we have been putting them thoughts out of are heads but we have to be realistic" Draco says

"I don't want to be realistic" I say a tear trickling down my face

"Hey don't cry maybe one day we can be together" he says wiping my tear away

"Screw you Draco Malfoy" I say and u get up and walk out the room
A couple of days later
Draco POV
What have I done I had the chance to be with her and I blowed it, she's never gonna forgive me

"Hey Mione I like your makeup today" pansy says and I raise my head to look at her sitting down she has dark eye makeup on. Her hair is ok loose curls down to her hips she has a dark brown lipstick she know longer looks like a sweet and beautiful girl I mean she looks gorgeous but not like Hermione

"Thanks I was playing around with some stuff" she replies avoiding my gaze

"Mione you look amazing" Theo says to her

"Awww thank you Theo" she says smiling at him, really she's flirting with Theo is it just to rub it in my face,

"Draco have you seen Hermione she looks smoking doesn't she" pansy says

"Yeah you look nice" I say but she ignores my comment

"Woooh what happened between you to" Astoria says

"Nothing isn't that right Malfoy" she says finally looking at me

"Hermione can we please talk"

"I thought we did talk and look where it got us"

"Hey Theo you coming"

"To the library no thank you"

"Not the library down to the lake"

"Yeah sure why not" he says

"Hermione have you finished the potions homework" pansy asks

"No" she replies

"Isn't it due for today"

"Yeah but I couldn't be bothered" and then she walks off

"What happened to Hermione" Astoria asks looking at me but I just kept my head down
Still Draco POV
"Hey blaise you wanna go to the quiditch field and have a game" I ask walking out of potions

"Yeah sure come on lets go"
"I can't do it"

"Yeah you can come on I will help you"

"You know I'm hopeless"

"And I'm determined to teach you"

"Your a great teacher"

"It's easier when you have a willing student"

"How can I repay you for your help"

then me and blaise stop and see Hermione kissing max the Slytherin captain

"Hey Hermione what's going on here" blaise says yelling at them

"Way to ruin the fun" she says pulling away but still leaning on him

"Hermione can I have a word" I ask

"Why can't you see I'm busy with max"

"Ohh what is he your rebound"

"He can't be a rebound if we weren't even together we were nothing"

"How can you say that"


"Hey dude I didn't know you and her had a thing" max says

"We don't" "we do" we both say at the same time
"Listen Hermione see you later" max says walking off

"Look what you did" she says
"Hey max wait up" she says running after him.

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