Chapter 63- the quiditch match

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2 weeks later
General POV

"Ok welcome to the first game of the quidditch season I know we are all excited for this match Gryfindors against the Slytherin" all the Slytherins in the crowd start hissing

"And now we will announce everybody coming in and let me tell you looking at the list I have in front of me there are some surprises to come" Luna says to the crowd

"Ok income gryfidors and Slytherin keepers" she says and ron and Brandon fly out on their brooms

"Ronald Weasley and Brandon Flynn" she calls to the crowd

"And both teams beaters, Blaise zabini and Jacob Owens for Slytherin and Neville longbottom and James smith for Gryfindoor" and everyone cheers

"And out come the chasers, Megan Walter, Theodore Nott and Draco Malfoy for Slytherin and Katie Bell, Lexi James and mark Samson for gryfindor" Luna says an everyone claps

"Now for seekers we have a new seeker as Draco Malfoy is now a seeker this year and it's not only the gryfindors who last year had Fred and George Weasley on their team who can have a set of twin Slytherin's have gone and got themselves a set of twins introducing for the first ever time competing Hermione zabini Slytherin's new seeker" Luna say and Hermione zooms out of the tent and onto the pitch yeh gryfindors face is priceless as they look between each other confused the Slytherins burts into a round of applause the gryfindors don't to look to bothered now they have let the news settle probable just think Draco just picked her cause she's his girlfriend.

"And for his 8th year Harry Potter gryfindors champion seeker" Luna says and the crowd claps widely

Harry shoots Hermione a dirty look

"Mia show them how it's done I believe in you" Draco says kissing her on the lips and Hermione instantly got her confidence back and sarcastically smiled at Harry
Half an hour into the match it was obvious that slytherins were winning as they were already on 110 points and Gryfindors were on 10 they had already called in 2 new player as Blaise had hit 2 of their chasers so they had gone off, Slytherins maybe be playing a little dirty but it was working.

Then she spotted it the snitch but so had Harry she was straight on it flying at top speed towards it Harry was behind her he kept running into her broom

"Give up Hermione you have gave a good fight proved that you can sit on a broom but your not at are level your boyfriend probably just felt sorry for you" Harry shouted at her

"Sorry Harry" she yelled at him

"Sorry for what" he yelled back at her

"Because I'm about to leave you in the dirt" she yelled and zoomed ahead and then went flying to the ground and twisting and turning sharply after the snitch she new she was doing well as Harry couldn't turn as sharp and wasn't as agile she squeezed through a small gap that the snitch had gone through she quickly went through it and Harry struggle to aim his broom to get him swiftly thorough it and she was already out ten other end she could feel it on her finger tips as she reached forward and clasped her hand around it and held onto it tight and let out a loud cheer

"I think Hermione zabini had caught the snitch and what a performance she gave I haven't seen somebody play like that in a very long time" Luna called and Harry looked pissed of Draco stopped what he was doing and let out a loud cheer and flew down to her

"Mia I knew you could do it!" He cheered and her hugging her tight she was trying to catch her breath

"Thank you drake" she called and the whole Slytherin team flew over to them and joined them in a massive group hug

"Slytherins have won !" Luna called and the All the Slytherins let out an extremely loud cheer

"And I think in a very quick time only on the pitch for 37 minutes!" Luna said again
And the Slytherin team starts cheering even louder

"So the score for the end of the game was 260- 10" Luna called out

Hermione tips her broom slightly and gently flys over to Harry as he is with ten gryfindoor team he is yelling at them for something about not being good enough team work

"Harry it's not their fault you became a rubbish keeper" Hermione says to him laughing

"Excuse me leave me and my team alone" he says angrily at her

"Ok I just came to tell you that maybe you should let somebody better than you play seeker because I wanted a bit of a challenge and that was way to easy" Hermione said laughing at Harry

"Really Hermione just wait till we thrash your arse" ron says looking at her angrily

"Ok I will be waiting" and with that she flew quickly back to her team mates

"Come on we need to celebrate" Blaise says and they all go off the pitch

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