Chaptet 28- the night it all came crashing down

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General POV-
All the girls were getting ready for the ball, Ginny was doing a dark smokey eye with dark purple lipstick to match her dress and her hair was pin straight,

Pansy was just finishing her look by applying some more highlighter, you could see that girl from space,

"Pansy don't you think that enough highlighter" Astoria says

"Atsy don't worry about my highlighter, worry about you eyeliner" Pansy says

"What is wrong with my eyeliner, Ginny?" Astoria asks

"There is nothing wrong with it, Pansys teasing" Ginny says laughing and pansy sticks her younger out at Astoria finally putting the highlighter down.

"Nice highlighter pansy" Hermione says walking in over to the mirror

"See someone likes i..." pansy says stops speaking when she see Hermione

"Hermione you look"

"I'm speechless Hermione"

"Girl I thought you were beautiful before but know, your like a goddess"

Hermione has bright eyes with flawless eyeliner, sharp brows, a full face with a little bit of blush, bronzer and subtle highlighter and a nude liquid lipstick, she has a perfect crease cut and her eyes are gold, silvery colours, her hair is gently curled into soft ringlets framing her face and flowing down her back,

"Hardly" she says slipping her feet into her sparkly heels,

"Girls are you ready to go!" Blaise shouts from down stairs

"Coming" Hermione shouts down,

And they all go down the stairs one by one met by there dates when Draco sees Hermione his mouth drops open and his eyes widen
His hair has had a hair cut and he has cute messy hair not slicked back like it used to be, black robes with a white shirt and a tie that is a forest green colour tie that perfectly matches Hermiones green on her dress,

"You look, I don't even know what to say I am speechless, silent know words can compare with you right know" Saco says and Hermione smiles taking his hand that he reached out for her,

"Hermione, we need a photo mum will want one" Blaise says pulling Hermiones arm and they do one formal photo and a silly one
Everyone gets photos including a really cute one with Draco giving Hermione a kiss on the cheek while she is staring to the camera, and they get one big group one. Then they descend to the great hall

"Ok to start with are awards, we will first be doing the teachers choice then dancing for an hour and a half then the students choice make you vote in the box at the back" dumbledoor says

"First we have, the award for the bravest are nominees are Harry Potter, Neville long bottom and Draco Malfoy" draco almost spitting his apple out of his mouth,

"And the winner is, Draco Malfoy" he smiles and Hermione cheers for him as he goes to collect his award

"Next we have the award for..." the awards went one some for kindness and so on there was a maximum for award for each pupil could only have a maximum of one award Harry got one, Astoria and pansy had as well so did Blaise it was them the last award called out and Hermione had had nothing so far so was really anxious,

"ok for the final award, this involved every teacher to chose this and every painting and ghost so with out further ado,
Who in this room out of all there's students will be missed the most, who without them will Hogwarts not be the same, who had the biggest impact on Hogwarts and, this award is re opened up to everyone so even if you have had an award you still have a chance to win this one so drum roll please the winner of the final award is,

Hermione zabini!" He shouted and Hermione skipped up to the stage to get her award Draco cheering the loudest for her feeling proud of his girl,

"Well done on your award"

"You to Draco" Hermione says wrapping her arms around his neck saying to the music and he held onto her waist

"I can't believe we only have one more year here"

"I know it's mental" Draco says

"Do you ever think about the future?" Draco asks

"Well yeah"

"I mean our future" Draco asks Hermione

"What do you mean"

"I mean do you see us together, living together, getting married eventually had a baby or more than one, we would have such a perfect family"

"That sounds perfect" Hermione says

"So do you see us together in your future"

"I do" she says burying her head into his neck
" Now for the student choice award can I get my award givers up here" and George and Fred walk onto the stage

"Do for the first award, nicest ass" George says

"And the winner is, pansy Parkinson"
And pansy saunters up to stage and winks at George

"Congratulations pansy, so the next award, best looking girl" George says

"Hermione zabini" Fred says

"Best hair"
"Ginny Weasley"

"Hottest boy"

"Draco Malfoy"

"Best hair"

"Draco Malfoy"

"Best quiditch player"

"Ohh it's a tie, what are we gonna do, I know I will just snap the trophy in half" and Fred Snaps the trophy

"Harry Potter and James walker"

"Nicest person"

"Luna lovegood"

"Funniest people"

"George it's us" Fred says snapping another award in half

"Biggest snitch"

"Cho Chang"

"Biggest prick"

"Ronald Weasley, sorry bro it's what the card says" Fred says giving him is award

"Biggest slag"

"Millie palker, sorry Millie" Fred says

"Best singer"

"Hermione zabini"

"Worse singer"

"Lavender brown"

"And finally an award were we actual have to prizes to crowns awwww, yeah you guess it it's the kind and queen of the night who will next have there first dance as kind and queen for tonight even if you don't win but are nominated you still get an prince and princess award"

"And the nominees are
Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley,
Draco malfoy and Hermione zabini"

"And our winner is drum roll"

"Hermione and Draco!!!!"

"Woooo go guys"

"Come collect you crowns guys"
And Hermione gets a queens crown and Draco getting a king crown,

And then they danced together,

"You guys though you could have a ball with out me" a loud shout comes from the hall door

"Don't you know that I am the life of the party"

"I know you all thought I was dead,

But guess again" she says at some first years

"Because I Bellatrix lestrange am very much alive but don't worry there is only to people I have business with here, well I would worry if it's you"

"Come out little nephew and bring that delightful girlfriend with you" then she sees Draco and grabs Hermione and disaprates,

"Hermione" Draco says looking at the spot his girlfriend was

"Nooooo" he screams falling to the fall

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