Chapter 58- perfect family

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"Hermione please wake up we need you, if not for me for him he needs his mum" I here some words being spoken but my eyelids just don't want to budge open

I feel his hand on mine I squeeze it

"Come on baby you can do it just open your eyes" and with his encouragement I am able to do it,

My eyes instantly hurt as the bright lights in the white room but I am face to face with my beautiful boyfriend

"Hermione your awake!" He says kissing me and hugging me tight

"Can't breath" I say and he lets go

"Oh I'm sorry" he says to me

"Do you wanna meet him" Draco says happily

"Meet who" I ask

"Our son you went into early labour he's a month early he's so tiny though" Draco says and walks to the end of my bed towards a crib and pulls a baby out

"He's 5 days old and hasn't stopped crying until well now" Draco says and puts the beautiful boy in my arms

"He's so beautiful" I say stroking my boys head he looks up at me he looks exactly like Draco he has platinum hair grey eyes and pale skin his mouth forms into a smile as his tiny hands wrap around my thumb

"He's really ours" I say and Draco nods

"He's perfect isn't he" dracos says stroking our sons head

"He looks so like you" I say

"I know no doubt who his father is" Draco says to me smiling

"I think he's gonna be a mummy's boy" Draco says smiling wildly

"Maybe" I say in aw of my son

"I haven't let anyone see him" Draco says

"What do you mean" I say to him

"Well I wanted us to be like the first people to see him well the doctors and that have you know" Draco says and I smile up at him

"Thank you drake" I say to him

"You welcome baby" he says kissing my forehead

"So about the name" Draco asks

"Scorpios defiantly Scorpios" I say

"Are you sure" Draco says and I nod and he sits on the bed and we both look at are beautiful son

We sit like that for a while just are perfect family


"Hello miss zabini nice to meet you I am your doctor" he says and I shake his hand

"On everything is healthy with you and your little boy you went into early labour because of stress and also an injury to your stomach from earlier that day you both only just survived" he says and my eyes widen my baby almost didn't survive because of Harry Potter and the order of the phenix

"But you are both ok and can leave when you want" he says and I nod and he leaves

"You wanna go then" I ask and Draco gives me a hand up and we grab all our stuff and head home with our beautiful baby in my arms
When we walk into the hall we our greeted by loads of people all come up to us and hugging us and admiring Scorp

"He's just the cutest" Astoria says sqidging his cheek

"I'm so proud of you baby" my dad says to me

"He's so perfect" my mum says kissing me on the head

"He's gonna steal a lot of hearts" naracissa says

"Just like his daddy" lucious says and Draco freezes up as his dad touches his son he still hasn't forgiven him for beating him as a kid and he shouldn't I  hate seeing that wicked man with our baby then in sweeps vomdermort coming through another rooms

"My oh my how beautiful he is" he says stroking his cheek

"You both did so well with him I promise you have my word that I will keep your family safe from the order" he says with a genuine smile
And I feel as though he is actually speaking the truth

"Do you want to hold him" I ask and Voldemort nods he looks as though he may let a few tears shed it is actually so sweet he makes little faces at the baby

"Hi baby aren't you precious your mummy and daddy did a good job with you" he says to our son then he passes him back to us

"Thank you for trusting me with him" the dark lord says to us

"Don't worry about it" draco says to him

"Hermione zabini and Draco Malfoy where is my nephew" Blaise yells running down the stairs

"Hello little baby I'm your favourite uncle" Blaise says taking him from my arms

"No I think I am" Cameron says coming in the room

"I don't think so little bro it's obviously me" Blaise says and they go on battling it out for a long time

"Let scorp decide when he's older" I say

"Oh you decided on a name" my mum squeals

"Yeah he's called Scorpius Oscar Malfoy" I say stoking his blonde hair back

"Oh what a perfect name" naracissa says clapping and everyone else continues and he starts whimpering so I take him off Blaise and he snuggles right into me and shuts his perfect grey eyes and goes to sleep making soft snores every now and again

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