The banquet-chapter 5

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I can't believe I just had a good conversation with Slytherins I mean they are actually really nice, even Draco wasn't that bad

"Blaise I think I am gonna go and find my friends before the feast you know"

"Do you have to go Hermione" Astoria says she is really nice we are already good friends

"Yeah sorry"

Before I can go Maddison comes flying at me with a hug

"Just so you know you are the best sibling ever"

"Awww thanks maddy"

"Your even better than Blaise"

"Haha you hearing that blaise"

"I can't believe it you have known me your whole life and you have known her one afternoon and you like her more than me" Blaise grunted and Maddison giggled

"Mate it's only gonna get worse" Malfoy says

"Shut up you" Blaise said to Draco

"I gotta go now mads" I say to the girl clinging to me

"Ok" she says letting go of me

"Granger here's your bag" he says

passing from in the compartment above

"Darn my new height not making being able to reach things" he chuckles

"You look good you know" he says nervously

"Is Malfoy complementing me" I say and he starts blushing

"And your blushing" I add

"Shut up" he says jokingly

"Ok see you lot later I say leaving the carriage

"Mate can you stop flirting with my sister" I here blaise huffing about in the carriage from outside

"I'm not" Malfoy replies

"Drake we all know you fancy her" pansy says

"I do not"

"I know I do" I here Theo says

"You fancy loads of girl" Cameron replies

"I know but I really fancy her"

"She is like the best looking girl at Hogwarts, I mean she even was before she changed" I here Theo say

"She looks like a angel" Maddy says god I love her she's so cute

"So Draco how you gonna ask her out" I here Astoria say

"I'm not" he says raising his voice

"I second that" blaise says that makes me laugh

"I might if you don't" Theo says

"No you are not" Draco says

"See I knew you like her"

"Shut up Lucas" he says angrily at the younger boy

"Hahah draco you got it bad" he replies

"She's still with Ron" Blaine pipes in
"Hey guys"

"Hey Mione" rom says giving me a kiss

"This isn't over Ron, I'm big gonna let you do this" Harry says looking at Hermione

"Do what" Ron says shrugging his shoulders

"What are you lot talking about"
"Nothing you need to worry your pretty little head about sweetie" Ron says

"Ok Ron" I say snuggling into him

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