Please don't go-chapter 18

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"I'm starving" pansy says cLinging off of my arm

"Me to I can't believe we slept in and missed breakfast" Astoria says

"It was a good games night though" Theo says followed by a loud grumble from his tummy

"Haha yeah it was" I reply as we walk into the main hall, everyone looking at us disturbing their silence, God they are so boring

"Welcome to doom and gloom school for witchcraft and wizardry" Theo says laughing, but everyone is still silent I wonder what is going on where are the first years screams and laughs with their friends the 3rd years shouting across the tables and the 5th and 6th years moaning about the noise everything is silent and everyone's stares at me and Blaise we look at each other confused then Malfoy and Lucas get out if their seats and walk over to us

"Come on its fine let's go"

"What happened!" I shout

"You don't know"

"Know what" I ask

"About Maddie"

"What's happened about maddie" blaise suddenly says

"She's in the hospital"

"What!" Me and Blaise say running to the hospital but when we get there,


She could be dead lying there so quietly if it wasn't of the slow rise of her chest you would think she was dead, her long soft beautiful hair was matted and dirty her face was dirty and had cited on it she was like skin and bones she look terrible but in a strange way still beautiful,

"Maddie please wake up, I need my little sister, please for me I would do anything to have you here I would trade places in a heart beat I say with the tears falling down my eyes

"Please!" I scream to the little girl in the bed she looks so small in the huge bed
"Do you need some rest" I here a voice say walking me out of my slumber I pick my head up and realise I was resting on maddies bed

"has there been any more news" I ask to tall blonde

"No but she will pull through" he says taking my hand

"Hey what's this!" He says pulling up my sleeve

"Shhhh" I say

"Why are you doing this" he says with a pleading look in his eyes


"No Hermione do you know how loved you are, how respected you are how much responsibility you have this girl" she says pointing to maddie
"Looks up to you like you are her god you can't do this"

"Why" he asks me

"I deserve it"

"No you don't"

"Listen my sister might die! I have bigger things to worry about" I say and start crying

"Shhh it ok" he says pulling me into a hug
I looked around and he was gone it was just me and maddie

"Hello Hermione" says a quiet voice and I look down to see maddie

"Maddie your ok" I say wit a relief

"No I don't think I am I came to say goodbye"

"Don't talk like that" I say crying

"Thank you mione, thank you for"

"Don't talk like that please" I say crying

"Don't leave me"

"I have to go the light I think it's coming, you know I was always so scared to die but it feels so calm, so peaceful, I don't fear it I am ready"

"No your not your to young you have friends me are family we all love you"

"Than I shall die happy" she says smiling at me

"Please don't go fight it, fight for me please I know you can do it" I sat through desperation begging her trying to think of anything to get her to fight this

"I don't want to fight, Hermione don't cry please I am happy" she says wiping me tear

"I know you can do this, and malfoy he's good for you"

"She did you get so wise little one" I say chuckling stroking her hair her head resting on my lap

"Tell them all I love them, please tell them tell mummy and daddy that I don't want them to be sad tell them I said that I love them so much, tell
Them" she says and her breathing slows down

"No maddie! , help! Help" I scream out my lungs my ears bursting with tears

"No, help!!!" I say trying to help her turn income loads if nurses running in sending me out the room where I collapse and cry like I have never cried before

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