Crying myself to sleep-chapter 7

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The silent tears fell down my face as I lay down in my bed, I feel dirty and ashamed.
How could I let someone in my life like that. The others had all been so nice even Malfoy,

They had all stayed up with me and just let me cry it out till I felt like no more tears could come, I couldn't ask for better friends and family.

3:00 am

I wold up in the middle of the night I couldn't get back to sleep so I though I would go and walk about another then come back to bed, I walked into the green common room and pulled my jumper around me tighter because of how cold I was, I went and sat on the sofa

"Can't sleep either"

"Why are you up" I ask

"Dunno just thought I would come for a walk"

"Ohh ok"

"How are you"

"I'm fine" I say

"Really deep inside how are you"

"I, I feel like my world is falling apart and I can't keep it together, like everything I thought was true is a lie"

"Ok what else" he says sitting next to me

"Like I don't know who I am and that I don't know if I will ever be the same and I feel like I'm lost and stuck and I can't get out and, and" I then start uncontrollably crying

"I'm sorry"

"Shhhh it's fine"

I don't know what to do" I say

"Shhhhhh I'm here I will help you, believe me I know what it's like to be stuck and lost in your head, I'm the boy who got forced to kill his teacher someone he thought of as a father figure, most people don't know but I used to go and talk to him he would talk to me loads he used to help me and give me advice but half way through 5th year I stopped talking to him because I couldn't face him, KNOWING I WAS BEING FORCED To KILL HIM, god I'm so broken my life is broken, shattered into a million pieces"

"We can be broken together" I say then I do something I thought I would never do I lean in and kiss him
"What the hell is this" I open my eyes to see Blaise yelling then I look over to see I am lying on Malfoy

"Blaise he was just talking to me"

"Why are you lying on him then, why are his arms wrapped around you"

"All we did is sleep Blaise" I say

"Yeah that's all we did" Malfoy said

"Blaise I got upset then we talked and must of fallen asleep"

"Ok but don't let pansy see you she will start shipping you of course you to will NEVER be a couple"

"no never" Draco says quietly

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