Chapter 53- dinner with the devil

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"Hello young Draco" he says shaking his hand

"Hello blaise, Astoria" he says shaking there hands

"And aren't you a precious one" he says stroking my cheek and I freeze up

"What's your name darling" he says to me

"She's blaises twin, Hermione the one we gave up at birth" my mum says quickly

"You do talk don't you" he says to me

"Yes" I say shaking

"No need to be nervous nothing here will hurt you" he says removing his hand from my cheek

Then more come death-eaters in and greet us all then annoy maybe a year older with black hair and a pale complexion and grey eyes comes over

"Hello cousin" he says to Draco

"Hello Samuel" draco says back to him

"Call me Sam" he says coldly

"And who may you be beautiful" he says to me

"Hermione zabini" I say quickly

"Dracos fiancé" I say again quickly

"Shame to let pretty little you go to waste on him, make sure you know where my room is" he says to me

"I'm happy with Draco" I say to him and Draco pulls me into him tighter

"So leave her alone" Draco says angrily at him

"Ok then pleasure meeting you and nice seeing you cousin" Sam says walking off

"Samuel lestrange, only son on bellatrix and my dear cousin, he wants everything I have" Draco says coldly

"Well he's not getting me" I say kissing Draco on the lips

"That's good because I ain't giving him you"

"Kids dinner is ready" naricissa calls and we walk through to the dinning room

"Hello guys find your name place and that is where you shall sit" Voldemort say

I look around the long table and look for my name and I sit down my seat it no where near dracos I look and he is on the other side of the table

"Oh look your next to me" says a voice and I look and see Samuel is sat next to me

"Hello" I say bitterly

"Your a stern one aren't you" he says and I scowl at him

"Don't scowl then I can't see your pretty smile" he says

"Shut up" I say

"That's not a nice thing to say" he says Evilly at me

"I don't care" I say then look to my left blaise Is sat next to me then the rest of are families and to the right is Sam then his mum then some more families

"Ok take a seat" Voldemort says and we all sit down

Sam rolls up his left sleeve to show that he has the dark mark to scare me

"See you should be nicer to me I have the dark mark" he whispers to me

"That doesn't scare me my boyfriend has one two" I say cockily

"Shh" my mum says at me

I notice how quite and gloomy everyone is no one talks and everyone death stares everyone,

"So Hermione tell me about yourself" the dark lord says to me

"Well there's not much to say" I say

"Well what house are you in?" He asks

"Slytherin" I reply and he smiles

"Ok about you and a certain young Malfoy dating" he says to me

"Yes we are" I say smiling and Draco smiles at me

"That's good, but dear what are you thoughts on Harry Potter" he says and I feel everyone's eyes on me

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