"Well its your name isnt it"-chapter 8

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"For goodness sake blaise" I say sitting down at the bench for breakfast
"Hermione it's not a stupid idea"
"Yes it is Blaise"
"What are you too arguing about" Theo says
"Blaise thinks it would be a good idea to" I say befit blouse interrupts
"No Hermione this it would be a bad idea to" Blaise continues
"Hey mione he's staring at you" pansy says
"Who" I reply
"You know who"
" I don't care" I say turning around and look at ron with lavender sat on his lap cuddling him
"God they should just get a room" I sat blinking black tears
"Hey it's ok" Theo says squeezing my hand
"Hey Hermione can you pass me the-" Draco says
"What the hell" Astoria says and everyone look at Draco
"What" he say
"You just called me Hermione" I say
"Well it is your name isn't it" Draco says with a smirk

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