Chapter 52- a suprise to give you nightmares

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We had such a great time in Venice it was amazing every day we saw something new and were amazed it was defiantly one of my most favourite trips ever,

I look at Draco as we walk back into the manor

"Draco how come we spend 3 weeks in the sun put you are still so pale" I say stroking his porcelain cheek

"I dunno how come you got even more tanned" Draco asks me and I start laughing then everyone joins in

"Hello dear" naracissa says nervously as we walk into the manor

"Well you see the thing is" she say but trails of as we see dracos dad

"Hello son" he says evilly

"Hello father" Draco says emotionally

"No welcome home hug" he says wickedly

"You don't deserve it" Draco spits out

"Draco darling what about one for your favourite aunt, Bella" bellatrix says walking into the room,

"What's going on" Blaise whispers in my ear

"I don't have a clue" I whisper back

"No time for hugging we have one mission how to destroy Harry Potter for good" I look up and my eyes spring out of my head and my mouth drops because there stands

Lord Voldemort

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