Goodbye- chapter 19

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That was the worst night of my life some time later blaise found me crumpled on the floor he new what had happened he new just by looking at me I watched as he let it sink in because our sisters is dead
eyes swelled with tears because our sisters dead
His body slowly collapsing to the ground because his sister is dead
Then he hugged me gripping onto me as if u could go away any second he clenched onto my shirt as we cried together realising that something only yesterday we took for granted, only a couple of days ago he shouted at her for bothering her,
Last week I yelled at her for wearing my top
The month before we ignored her when she asked to get some help writing a letter to are parents I mean of course we loved her and talked to her and hugged her but at that moment in time all I had was regrets of what a bad sister I thought I was.
Because that little 11 year old girl who looked up to me who smiled and ran to me when ever I saw her was no longer here,
I have never believed in God or heaven but right then there was nothing more than I wanted for that little sister of mine to go there,

"Who ever did this is going to pay" blaise said clenching his fists

"We have to tell Cameron" I said

"Tell me what?" He says walking around the corner

"No no it's not true" he says looking at me and blaise

"I won't believe it" he says running off

"I will go and get him" I say drying my eyes

"Cameron, are you up here?" I say walking to the top of the astronomy tower then I see him

"It all feels so unimportant" he says I spot him standing over the ledge

"If I jumped what would it matter, I could be with her mione don't you get that I could be with my sister" he say

"I know that's how I felt, but she wouldn't want it she would want you to love your life and be happy," I say

"But it's so hard" he says

"But everyday will be a little bit easier" I say

"You are so smart"

"no I'm not in the inside I am thinking the same as you Cameron"

"I can't believe she's gone"

"Shall we go and say goodbye" I say

"Yeah" he replies taking my hand as we walk back down the stairs

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