Chapter 29- is she dead?

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"Hello little miss granger, did ya miss me" the voice of bellatrix says from darkness, but Hermione says nothing

"Look at me when I am talking to you" she says slapping hermiones face

"Where am I" Hermione asks

"Nowhere that my little nephew will ever find you" she says taunting Hermione

"Please let me go"

"NO!" She quickly yells at Hermione

"You will stay here for a very long time, in fact you will probably die here" bellatrix says

"Your wrong they will find me, Blaine will find me, my family will find me, Draco won't stop until he finds me"

"Little girl don't worry, he will get over you, and why would he look for you if he thinks you are dead"

"He what!"

"Draco mate we will find her" Blaise says

"How, I have lost the only thing I have ever truly cared for, but I won't stop till I look for her"

"Hello mister Malfoy and mr zabini can I speak to you both" dumbledoor says to us pointing to his office

"Take a seat boys, I would like you to meet someone" they looked around to see Harry, Ginny, Astoria, pansy, Theo and Cameron and Lucas all sat in the room and in came a tall guy with dark hair, Draco recognised it but couldn't remember where from,

"So you were all very close to Hermione zabini" and they all nod

"Ok I am and auror I got sent to tell you all something, I am sorry to tell you this but this morning we were searching the forest and found a pile of human ashes, they belonged to Hermione granger"

Blaise sat shocked trying to wrap his mid over the fact that his sister was gone, another sister dead, he couldn't take it he ran off straight out of the room,

Ginny let out a sound that sounded like a mangled scream she burst into tear, her best fried had just died, she was like a sister to her, Ginny felt a feeling in her stomach it felt like it just dropped,

Pansy and Astoria just looked at each other in disbelief there friend gone, here one second then gone the next, she was they quickly started crying feeling the sadness of her not being here anymore,

Theo ran out the room not believing it, he had got so close to her, she was like a sister to him and now, now she was no longer, he wanted to know if she was in pain or if she was numb as numb as he felt now,

Lucas felt much like his older brother and Cameron just started to cry, he didn't care how babyish he felt he missed her,

Harry and Draco both sat there, to shocked to say anything Draco sat there till there was only him and Harry left in the room

"She's not dead, hermiones not dead" Draco says

"I Know"

"She isn't I feel if I know she's alive, she can't be dead because I, wait what did you say"

"I said I know, she isn't dead"

"How do you know"

"Because same reason you do, I know Hermione better than she know herself, I see things most people don't know, and that man was lying, you could tell"

"I know who he is"

"Who then"

"Well I don't know who but I have seen him before, and he recognised me"

"Ok we can't tell the others, just invade she isn't alive, we can't give them all false hope"


"Boys it seems you suspect the same as I do that the man was lying," professor dunbledoor says walking into the room

"Yes sir we do, and we need time to find her"

"Well boys go find her, bring her back over time she had become like a daughter to me and she must be found I trust you to find her" and with that the boys flood off in search of the Malfoy girlfriend,

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