Chapter 54- ths dark mark

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"I hate him" I say bitterly

"And every other gryfindoor" I say and he smiles

"Very good but may I ask why"

"As soon as they new who I was they turned my back on me" I say to him

"Good good, I think we will get along nicely" he says to me and my parents smile at me so I know I said the right thing,

"So Blaise how has your life been after the war" Voldemort says to my brother

"It's been good, well having my sister back and all but em maddie passed away" he says

"Yes I know I found out about that I can't believe they did that" Voldemort says to Blaise

"What who did it" I ask

"Hermione you mustn't as the dark lord questions he asks you not the other way around" my mum says to me

"Oh don't worry Emilia the child is just curious" he says to my mum

"Well the order of course I have worked out a pattern they are doing it to punish families that have stuff to do with death eaters, I'm betting that beloved head teacher if yours did it" he says and my eyes widen

"I can't wait to make them suffer" Cameron says

"I didn't know your sister died" sam says next to me squeezing my thigh

"Get off me you creep" I say angrily

Draco Malfoy POV

I try and read Hermione's facial expressions while they are talking about her sister I know it is a really hard topic for her and her sitting next to Sam isn't calming my nervous

"So Draco how long have you and the lovely miss zabini been dating

"About 6 months" I say to the dark lord

"Young love it's so innocent, I dare say Sam is annoyed he seemed quite taken with your girl" the dark lord says

"You'd have to kill me first" I say laughing

"That can be arranged" Sam says jokingly but it sound as though he is speaking some truth

"Me and Hermione are expecting" I say quickly

"Oh really, when is it due" the dark lord says to me

"He's due in august" I say

"A boy that's very good" the dark lord says

"Have you thought about names?" He asks me

"We have had a thought but want to meet him before we really pic" Hermione says

"Well congratulation" the dark lord says

"Draco" I here a whisper when I am in my bed and the door pushes open

"Draco are you asleep" I here her again

"No I'm not love, what's the matter" I ask her

"I was wondering, is dinner always that you know sociable" she asks me and slides into my bed

"Yeah the dark lord really does care about us" I say playing with her hair then she pulls up my sleeve and traces my dark mark

"Do you think I will have to get one" she says

"I don't know darling maybe, do you want one" I ask her

"I dunno after hearing about Maddie I can't help but feel like I need revenge and herring some of the dark lords points about what they have done to us makes me feel like they are the bad guys" she says looking at me in the night light

"I know darling but u don't want you to go out and fight for him I want you somewhere safe with are baby boy" I say to her

"I know Draco" I say then fall into sleep

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