Chapter 23-Of course you idiot

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Bellatrix lestrange
"Well hello my dear, have we thought of a new idea for your tattoo I'm guessing the other one came off when you transitioned to a zabini" I don't say anything

"Give me your arm" but it stays by my side

"Give it to me!" She says grabbing my arm and throwing curses at me first

And I feel terrible pain in my arm I scream out and here someone coming

"Help, help!" I scream

"Get off her" I here Draco say

"Little nephew leave me with the dirt" she says  and I give him pleading eyes

"Crusio" he shouts

"Avada kavadra" he then shots at her and she turns into ash he then runs to me and kisses me

"I need to tell you something and it can't wait," he says our foreheads touching

"I screwed up big time, I thought that if you were with me then I would break you but maybe us being together make some kind of a twisted perfect we are meant to be together, god Hermione you are my light, my oxygen and life I need you in it, I think I love you "

"But you said we were bad for each other and we were to different"

"Then how come your hand fits into mine like a jigsaw puzzle pieces"

"And how come your head is perfect height to leaning on my shoulder"

"How come if you go on your tipi toes and i slightly lean over are lips meet"

"And how come there are fireworks every time we kiss, I love you so much"

"I love you to" I say kissing him tears in my eyes

"Will you be my girlfriend" he asks

"Yes you idiot of course I will" I say kissing him faster

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