Cry like theres no tomorow-chapter 15

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Draco POV
"Hermione zabini detention" I kept hearing this phrase over and over agin, but why didn't she seem to care what was happening to her,
it's like she's falling but I can't help her I can't reach her how do you help somebody who doesn't what to be helped can somebody tell me the answer because I can't work it out,

I'm reaching my hand over the cliff to save her but she's not reaching back,

I'm throwing her a rope to stop her from drowning but she's not trying to hold it,

I'm pleading and begging her to talk to me but she's not talking backs

But I'm going to do what ever I can to save her,
Hermione POV
Why can't anybody let me be who I want to be Draco made me like this why can't he take consequences,
"Hermione can I have a word with you" she asks as I walk out with the class,
"Yeah sure I will see you later max" I give him a quick kiss on the lips just to annoy Malfoy as I see he is watching,

"Hermione what is up with you recently" I look and see Mrs mcgonagall

"What ever do you mean" I ask

"Well your grades are dropping you aren't handling in homework where has that straight A girl I used to know"

"Living In the Slytherin common rooms"

"Hermione you know what I mean"

"I'm sorry miss but I am going through some things and you know what they say dark times reveal who we are so this is the real me and get used to it" I snap


"No your not even my head of house anymore so if that's all I will be leaving" I grab my bag and swing it over my shoulder then storm out of the room slamming the door.
I walk out of the room and feel to arms grab me and pull me into a dark closet

"What the hell"

"Shhhh it's only me" he says putting a finger to my lip

"Malfoy" I snarl

"Listen Hermione"

"No you listen! I'm sick and tired of you, first you lead me on then you turn me away and now you can't let me live my life you made your choice now face your consequences"

"I regret them"

"Well that's nice because I regret ever talking to you!"

"I'm not giving up on you"

"Well you better be prepared to wait a very long time"

"I would wait forever"

"Well you better to be prepared to wait for never, Draco why are you making such a big drama out of this all we did is kiss we weren't even together we were never anything"

"Hey we were something, you are something to me"

" I remember when I thought I was something to you then you broke my heart just like everyone does"

"I can make it up to you"

"Draco it's to late, just let go of us"

"I won't let go"

"You know what this time last year the idea would us being together would of made you sick but now you know I'm not a mudblood it's fine because I am of worthy blood status for a malfoy"

"It's not like that"

"Then what's it like because that's how I see it" I then pull up my sleeve

"And I have a constant reminder of it every day" oh god my eyes are starting to tear up

"And, and just because I'm blaises sister you think that you can have me now, don't I get a say" I say not holding back the tears anymore

"Please I'm so sorry" he says

Draco it's to late"

"It's never to late" he says reaching out to me

"and maybe this time it is"

"We are not good for each other Draco"

"We are we are meant to be together"

"What makes you say that Draco"

"Because when we kissed I felt the fireworks and I know you felt them to"

"And yet you still rejected me" I add


"Draco I'm done talking to you and I know it's maybe hard to understand but for once you don't get what you want"
Then I walk out of there and sit on the staircase and cry like there is no tomorrow.

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