Chapter 47- raining

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We all sit under the tree as the rain comes tumbling down, it is raining really heavy I feel so cold I sit next to Draco shivering he reaches into his back and pulls out his jumper and gives it to me I thank him and snuggle into him, it's like an hour walk back to the castle so we all decide to sit and wait for a bit

"Ok truth or dare" theo say

"Truth" Astoria says

"Wait i got this special thing for truth or dare if we all sit in the circle and put it in the middle it blows out red smoke if the person is lying and green if the are telling the truth" Theo says taking a black cube out of it back and putting it in the middle of us

"Ok have you ever thought about another guy romantically while you are with Blaise" Theo asks Astoria raising his eyebrow

"No" she says and the machine comes out with red smoke

"Astoria!" I shout laughing

"Ok I was once and it was when we first got together" she says

"It's ok I forgive you" Blaise says kissing Astoria

"Ok Draco truth or dare"

"Dare" he replies smirking and brushing a hand through his wet platinum blonde hair

"I dare you to give Hermione a lap dance"

"Oh guys I forgot to say if you don't do the dare fully you get an electric shock" theo says and dracos eyes widen
2 hours later

"Guys it's still raining and we are going to miss supper" I say

"Yeah we better get going, even in the rain" dracos says

"Fine" everyone says and we grab the stuff and start walking back in the rain

"You know what guys in 5 years do you think we will remember this day" Astoria says

"I hope so, days like these trudging through the rain and mud in swimsuits, well with you guys they are amazing I'm still having fun" I say

"Look I see the castle" Theo says pointing to the castle and we all start sprinting to it Draco gives me a ride on his back as we run up the hill in the rain now it being hailing us all laughing we get so many funny looks as we all sprint into the castle soaking wet but laughing like 1st years,

I think this has been one of the best days of my life

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