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"Hello Harry, I'm Dr. Caster," I hold out my hand for him to shake which he does while never taking his eyes off of me. His eyes are the prettiest green I have ever seen and look so much more beautiful in person than in pictures that I have been forced to see because of my best friend's love for his band. I like their music but I would never want to admit it to Scarlett because I know she would go crazy on me so I mostly keep it to myself. She is mostly obsessed with Louis while I don't really have a preference although I do think Harry is very attractive. I can see his tattoos through his thin white t-shirt. He has rings on, black skinny jeans, and boots that compliment him very well. He's a very attractive 28 year-old, that's for sure.

"Well are you going to look at my charts or keep gawking at me?" He questions with a smirk.

"Oh, I'm sorry," I look down at the paper trying to hide how much I'm blushing. I am intrigued to know why THE Harry Styles is in Oklahoma at the hospital I work at of all places. As I read, I figure out that he was diagnosed with Lupus; a chronic disease that causes inflammation. That's all that it says, which isn't normal.

"Why do your charts only state that you have Lupus? They don't say how far along or how you know or anything," I furrow my eyebrows as I look at him.

"Well, when I was having a standard check-up, my doctor said that I had Lupus and I needed to see a rheumatologist. Therefore, here I am!" He smiles.

"Why in Oklahoma though? I mean there are so many other places you could've gone and afforded being a superstar and all."

"So you know who I am then?" He lifts an eyebrow while putting his hands behind his head and crossing his legs at the ankles which makes him look extremely attractive.

"My best friend is quite taken with your friend Louis."

"And what about you? You don't like One Direction?" He inquires.

"No. I mean, yes. I mean... ugh it's complicated," I put my face into my hands. He chuckles and then motions for me to continue.

"Well I've listened to your music and I really like it but I don't want to admit that to my best friend because she will go insane on me," I laugh.

"Ahhh, so you do like us then. Who is your favorite?" He smirks while eyeing me.

"I don't have one so don't flatter yourself. I'm not crazy about boy bands like the rest of the world."

"Fair enough," he mumbles and then looks at me as if waiting for a response but I don't say anything. I just stand there. I mean what am I supposed to say to a celebrity? I've never met a celebrity before so how would I know what to say? So there I stand, just awkwardly staring at the floor unsure of what to do next.

"You seem nervous," Harry points out while breaking the uncomfortable silence.

"I'm not used to this whole casual conversation with a celebrity type thing."

"I'm just a normal guy Dr. Caster, don't think of me any different," he smiles. Jeez that smile is gorgeous. Woah hold on what am I saying? He's my patient for goodness sake.

"Well we are going to run some tests to see how far along you are and then we can discuss treatment options. I'll send a nurse in as soon as I can," I smile while turning around to leave.

"So you're leaving me in here alone?" I stop and turn back around.

"I have work to do, Mr. Styles."

"So you can't keep me company for a few minutes?"

"I guess I could," I say quietly while biting my lip. He sits up and pats the spot next to him which I decide against and sit in my rolling chair by his bed.

If I Could Fly // H.S.Where stories live. Discover now