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"Wait, wait, wait! Not yet!" Harry keeps his hands on my eyes as we walk.

"Harry, I'm supposed to be the one surprising you. It's your birthday!" I mumble as he yanks me along.

"I'm enjoying it anyways," I hear him laugh as he continues pulling me along. We are outside somewhere and the ground feels hard. I don't hear anything but the breeze and Harry's footsteps. It isn't too hot out but it isn't too cold either, it's just perfect. Just as I'm adjusting to the fact that I'm walking blind, Harry stops me. "You ready?"

"Should I be scared?" I ask curiously as I try to peek through his hands.

"No," he chuckles and slowly pulls his hands away. I open my eyes and let them adjust to the light. As they adjust I gasp at the sight in front of me. There is a gorgeous field of flowers in front of us with a picnic blanket and basket sitting in the middle. I see Harry smile at my reaction from the corner of my eye and he grabs my hand before walking backwards in front of me to the blanket.

"I should've surprised you!" I say as I keep an eye out behind Harry in case he trips.

"But I wanted to surprise you, I'll let you surprise me the rest of today," he winks and continues to blindly walk backwards. I giggle when he loses his footing, quickly regaining his balance. He sends a playful glare my way before smiling himself. I let go once we reach the blanket and soak in the view around me. The flowers are beautiful and are all different colors, the breeze is soft and cool, the sun is bright and beaming, and the food smells amazing. I turn to see Harry sitting criss-cross on the blanket with two sandwiches in his hands. I smile and sit across from him with my legs under me since he made me wear a sundress. He hands me one and then pulls out a couple juice boxes. I raise an eyebrow as he shrugs and hands it to me anyways. Our unspoken conversation continues as he motions to the sky with his head and I look up, seeing a flock of birds flying above us.

"What made you think of this?" I ask once the birds pass.

"I've always wanted to take a girl on a picnic but I never got the chance to," he shrugs and takes a bite of his sandwich. I nod and take a bite as well. After a few minutes of silence, Harry breaks it by reaching in the basket and pulling a Tupperware container out.

"What is that?" I ask curiously as he smirks before opening it and taking a chocolate covered strawberry out. I squeal and reach over quickly, grabbing the container.

"Hey!" He yells as I quickly get up and run with the container. He chases but I know he is letting me win or I would have been caught already. I turn around and pull a strawberry out, wiggling my eyebrows before taking a bite. He glares before leaping towards me. I quickly get out of the way but he catches me and pulls me into him causing me to stagger backwards into him. I somehow keep the strawberries in the container and pull them into me before he can grab them.

"You better give me the strawberries now or there will be consequences," he whispers in my ear causing me to shiver. Despite the fact that I know this is an empty threat, I still find myself shaking due to his hot breath down my neck.

"Never," I whisper back as a surge of courage runs through me and I pull them closer to me chuckling. I feel him start to tickle me as I attempt to set the container down softly but I fail as it drops causing a few strawberries to fall out. I squirm and kick but he just picks me up and throws me over his shoulder before picking up the container of strawberries. He walks back to the blanket and then starts to tickle me once again until I eventually get him to put me down. He laughs as I lay on the blanket, completely out of breath and close my eyes. I feel him sit down next to me and move the hair from my face. I open my eyes and look up at him as he smiles and holds a strawberry up with raised eyebrows. I nod before opening my mouth to eat the strawberry and then closing my eyes again.

I realize I'm extremely tired and start to drift off until I feel the blanket shift under me. I open my eyes and see Harry stood up as he starts to walk through the field away from me. I keep watching as he walks a few feet before leaning down to pick a flower. It's a beautiful flower, a yellow rose that he brings to his nose as he smells it. I know he smiles, despite that I can't see his face. I decide to let him have his time and start to pick up the area quietly so that he won't notice. Once I have it clean, I walk over to him and put my arms around him and my head on his shoulder.

"You wanna know something? No matter how long I stare at the sky and this flower and the field around me, I keep finding myself thinking of you," he says as he looks down at me and turns to wrap his arms around me. I smile at his comment and let him hold me close. We stay there for a long time, just letting the closeness of each other speak through the silence. I cuddle in closer as I think about his condition. I find myself wondering where it could go, what could happen, when he'll get better. I decide it's best to save the conversation and enjoy the day we have together.

If I Could Fly // H.S.Where stories live. Discover now