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I wake up in a dark room unlike my usual bright one and look over to see that it is 4:27, 3 minutes before my alarm should go off. I decide I will just get up now and not have to listen to the annoying alarm. I go to get up and then realize that Harry's arms are surrounding me and his head is laying on my stomach. I try to pry him off without waking him up, but he doesn't even budge. I realize the only way I can escape is waking him up so I wait until my alarm goes off, running my fingers through his hair softly.


Harry groans as he reaches over me to turn the alarm off. He lays back down and pulls me in tighter to him. "Good morning, sweetheart," he mumbles in a raspy morning voice.

"Good morning," I reply, continuing my gentle assault on his hair. He hums into me and leans up to give me a kiss. It's a soft, sweet kiss and I pull away realizing I need to get up and ready for the day.

"You know, you don't have to go to work," Harry winks and sits up.

"Oh but I do, I like my job."

"Only because I was there, now it won't be NEARLY as exciting," he smirks. I roll my eyes and get out of bed.

"I'm gonna need a ride home," I announce as he groans and lays back down.

"Come on, lazy bum."


After being told I am to visit my patients and then go home which will be around 3. I head out, my motivation being that Harry would be picking me up after work. He said he has a surprise for me tonight and I am anxious to know what it is. As I head off, I recall all of my patients that I've had in the past few weeks. First I go to see Lora Smith, her husband hardly leaves considering her condition. She is having a hard time keeping up with her physical therapy and isn't improving much.

"Good morning, Lora, George," I nod to them both. "How is physical therapy going?"

"I definitely don't think I can keep up with it like I used to," Lora frowns and leans back.

"I think a few days off may do some good," I aim at George.

"I agree," he nods. We talk for a little while after that, creating a new plan to get Lora into physical therapy. I have taken quite a liking to George, he is such a sweet man and by this point he seems like a second father. I tell him mostly everything and he always gives me advice on what I should do. After a long talk, I head to see Cathy who has lost quite a bit of weight and improved her condition.

"Dr. Caster!" Cathy beams when I walk in, "I'm so glad to see you! I am about to head to physical therapy and I didn't want to miss talking today!"

"Of course not!" I smile and sit down to talk with her. She tells me about all the new things she is doing to improve and how excited she is since moving around is getting a lot easier. The nurse comes to take her, cuing me to move on. We say our goodbyes and I head to Sam's room. Sam came in yesterday and he was very kind. He had a swollen hand that didn't need to be treated here but his doctor wasn't sure what to do with him. He got here as I was about to leave so we kept him overnight.

"Hello, Sam. How's your hand today?" I ask while sitting on my designated rolling chair.

"Much better today, I guess there wasn't much of a need for me to come here," he chuckles. He is 26 and quite attractive, but he definitely doesn't compare to Harry in my mind. Despite Harry, Sam definitely would've caught my eye if I wasn't taken. We have a quick conversation before I give him my number in case his hand begins to swell again. I send a nurse in to check him out as I go on to lunch.

"Victoria! Lucas has just asked me to be his personal assistant!" Scarlett says as soon as I sit down.

"That's great!" I smile and start to eat my lunch. I really am happy for her, I just have so much on my mind. I can't stop wondering what Harry could have planned. A date? A spontaneous vacation? A movie night? All I know is that whatever it is, it will be amazing. Harry has a way with making things fun no matter what. She has been rambling for quite a while now as I nod and keep eating.

"...He is such a sweet guy and I can't believe he actually cares enough to keep me around!" She beams with happiness as she turns when he kisses her on the head. I take this as my signal to head out. I have one more patient and just enough time until I can leave for the day. I save the worst for last as I head to see Albert. He only got more flirtatious as time went on and I am getting to the point of making someone take him as their patient.

"Oh look! It's my sexy doctor!" He smirks when I walk in. I finally just ignore his crude comments and keep our visits to the point.

"You will go to physical therapy now, no matter what you want. This is getting ridiculous and I will send a nurse in as soon as I leave. I need to check your vitals since nobody has checked them today and then I'll be on my way." I quickly check his vitals, avoiding his gaze the whole time as I jot down my results. As soon as I finish, I go to clock out.

As I go outside, Harry's car is the first I see. I smile and walk over to it right away. When I look in, I see Harry fast asleep with the car still running. I lightly knock on the window and he wakes up. He looks up and unlocks the doors.

"Hello, sleepyhead," I lean over to kiss him as he lazily returns it.

"Sorry, I guess I didn't get much sleep last night. Too busy watching you," he winks and I blush. He never fails to make me feel like a million bucks.

"So, the surprise?" I am a little impatient after waiting all day.

"We, my dear, are going to a concert."

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