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"I'm looking at her."

I can't help but smile and look down. I've never had anyone say anything like that to me before. I bet my face is as red as a tomato and I'm not sure how to respond.

"You really are beautiful. I'm not sure how I ended up being able to be your patient," he smiles and keeps his eyes on me.

"Thank you," I blush and look back out at the view. "Should we head out for lunch?"

"Now that you mention it, I'm pretty hungry," he laughs. I couldn't help but admire the way his dimples always show up when he smiles. We head back out on the trail and joke the whole way. Nobody has ever made me laugh this much before. I've never had feelings for anyone so quickly. He makes me feel something that I haven't felt in a long time, and I realize I may be falling for a guy I just met yesterday.

Once we get back to the car, he lets me pick the music and I decline and say I don't mind listening to his music. After going back and forth for a few minutes, he finally gives in and plugs his phone back in. I decide that we will go to my favorite burger place for lunch, Goldie's Patio Grill. I went there with my dad all the time through my whole life. I order a Goldie's Cheeseburger and he orders a Patty Melt and we both get lemonade.

"This place is so good! Why haven't I heard of it before?" Harry says in between bites.

I roll my eyes, "It's only in Oklahoma, so not a lot of people know about it."

"I guess that makes sense. Well thanks for bringing me here! I'll definitely have to come more often," he says with his mouth full. I can't help but laugh at his awful manners. "Do I have food in my teeth or something?" He asks after swallowing.

"No, but you should definitely talk with your mouth full more often," I laugh and shake my head.

"Oh should I?" He says while taking another bite.

"Quit it!" I say as I can't stop laughing, "Are you almost done? I still have quite a bit planned for today."

"Yep, I'm ready when you are!" He insists that he will pay for my lunch and we head back out. I head to Walmart and pull in.

"Walmart?" He raises an eyebrow at me.

"We need swim suits for what I have planned," I say as I turn the car off and get out. He smirks and follows. After interrogating me for more than 10 minutes while we get swimsuits, I finally tell him we are going to a water park. He looks so excited and I can't help but smile at his enthusiasm. After buying our swimsuits, we head to Safari Joe's H2O Water Park.

Once we get in and change, we decide to try out the Flumes. There are three slides so we decide to race on two separate slides. I pick the green and he picks the yellow. I feel like I am going to fly out more than three times until I land at the end with Harry already getting out.

"Slowpoke!" He yells and pokes my side.

"Hey!" I poke him back and try to swim away before he can get me back. My attempts fail as he grabs me and pulls me back.

"Good try, but your not a very fast swimmer," he laughs and pokes me before swimming off. After that we decide to go on the Master Blaster, a water roller coaster. I sit in the front of the tube while he sits in back and we head off down the slide. I scream basically the entire ride, thinking I am going to hit the net over every hill. Harry just laughs at me from behind and I want to slap him.

Once we reach the end, we get out and decide to go to the wave pool. Most people are in the wave pool so it's pretty crowded. As soon as we head out, we are heading back because Harry has been spotted. We get out and Harry grabs my hand and yells, "Run!"

We keep running until we reach a small alley with nobody around and hide back there until we know it's clear to come out. We both burst out laughing and decide maybe we should go somewhere with less people. I can't help but feel a tingling feeling in my hand after he grabs it again when we head out to make sure we stay together. I can't help but wonder if he feels it, too.

Once we get in the car, we decide to go visit the Quan Am Bodhisattva Statue. I heard of it but never visited it. I then realize I have to be back at the hospital by 7 but maybe if I ask Grace for more time she won't mind. When we get to the statue, I pull out my phone and call Grace. She's more than happy to give us extra time and says that as long as we come back before midnight it will be fine, even though I figure it won't be that late. Then I text Scarlett to see if she can get a ride home and she says that Dr. Taylor asked her to dinner after her shift so that would be fine.

"Looks like we are clear until midnight!" Harry looks at me and wiggles his eyebrows, making me laugh. After having someone take our picture with my Polaroid camera, we look at the picture and decide we can't just rip it in half so each of us can have it so we ask for another picture. I decide to keep the one where we are both laughing and he keeps the smiling one.

He picks the next place to go which happens to be Applebee's for dinner. We get cheese dip for an appetizer, steaks for dinner, and shakes for dessert. He makes it a goal to keep me laughing the whole dinner and he succeeds. He again won't let me pay, which I can't talk him out of.

"I have to be a gentleman, so I pay for the meal. I've gotta make a good impression," he winks and grabs my hand as we head to the car. It's getting dark outside so I thought I should go somewhere that would be super fun at night. The park.

Harry immediately freaks out when we get there and decides to race me to the swings. There's nobody at the park so we have it all to ourselves.

After swinging for a few minutes in silence, Harry decides to break it. "So, do you have any siblings?"

"I have a little sister and an older brother. My brother lives in Tulsa with his wife and my sister is in high school. What about you?"

"I have a sister named Gemma. She's always been a great sister to me. I haven't broke the news to my family about all of this yet. I guess I'm just not sure how to tell them," he looks off into the woods with a sad look on his face.

"I'm sure they'll be supportive. Just don't wait too long to tell them what's going on."

"I know I'll do it soon, I just have to find a way to tell them. My band mates know, but that's it." He stopped his swing and turned towards me. "Let's talk about something else," he smiles as he climbs up to sit on the playground. I go up to join him and sit down beside him.

"I do have a question," I admit and he turns to look at me, urging me to continue. "How are you so normal? I mean usually celebrities are jerks, yet you're so sweet and kind and funny."

He smiles and looks down, "I guess I just decided I wouldn't let it get to my head. I don't want to be a mainstream celebrity jerk." He looks back up at me and I just look into his eyes, losing my train of thought. I'm not sure how long we sit there until I look up to see it's dark outside and the stars are out.

"Look how clear the stars are tonight," I smile as I can feel his gaze on me.

He looks up and points, "Look! It's the Little Dipper!" After pointing out a few more constellations, I realize I am getting tired and let my head fall on his shoulder. He looks down at me and then puts his arm around me. I decide that as of now, there's nothing bad going on in my world.

If I Could Fly // H.S.Where stories live. Discover now