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We get back to the house still soaking wet which earns some crazy looks from Anne and Gemma. They are standing in the kitchen and stop everything they are doing and stare at us as if waiting for an explanation. Harry and I both look at each other and burst into laughter. They just roll their eyes and Harry leads me upstairs.

"How about we go on an adventure today, we can drive to London!" He says once we reach my room.

"Doesn't it take a while to get there?" I ask curiously.

"2 hours if we take the train," he shrugs.

"Then let's get going!" I smile and push him out of the room so I can change. He chuckles before closing the door. I giggle to myself and jump in a circle. I've never been to London so I can't believe that I'm just randomly going on some spontaneous adventure there. I quickly take a shower, dry my hair and straighten it, put on some light makeup, and change into a white long sleeved shirt, dark jeans, and converse. Once I'm ready, I head downstairs to see Robin and Anne sitting together in the living room and Gemma still eating at the table.

"Hey Victoria! Breakfast is still warm on the counter if you want to eat with me before you head out," she smiles and nods towards the plate of pancakes, eggs, and bacon. I would've got up to make omelettes but they decided to have me make them last night once Robin got home. I grab a plate and fill it.

"I guess Harry told you we were going then?" I ask once I've sat down.

"Yeah, he's really excited. He went to shower really quick so he should be down soon," she says before looking up at the stairs. I turn around and see Harry wearing a blue button up that's open with a black shirt underneath, ripped skinny jeans, and tan boots. I find myself staring as he clears his throat. My eyes find his face and he smirks. Gemma chuckles behind me before I turn around to send a glare. I start to eat and feel Harry put his arms around me and kiss the top of my head. I smile and finish my food before we head out.


Once the train pulls into London, Harry grabs my hand with a smile and pulls me out of the train. I quickly follow until he stops right outside of the station.

"What would you like to do first, m'lady?" He spreads his arms out as if we have the world at our fingertips.

"Hmmm, how about we go to the London Eye."

"Rent a car it is," he chuckles before we head to rent a car. Once we get there and sign the papers and such, we take the car. Harry insists that he will drive since he knows where he is going. The drive isn't long until we see it. I gasp in awe at the gigantic wheel. I feel Harry's eyes on me as I gape at the London Eye before looking over to meet his gaze. He blushes when I catch him and smiles before parking the car. I quietly chuckle to myself and go to open the door but Harry stops me.

"Hang on," he quickly leaves the car, running around the front and opening my door. I giggle and step out.

"Thank you, Harold Edward."

"That is the absolute worst name in the entire world," he laughs and takes my hand.

"I like it," I wink and kiss his cheek softly before leading the way to the Ferris wheel. It doesn't take long to get on besides that we have a few fans ask for pictures. Harry refuses to turn down the fans as we take the pictures happily. As soon as we are in, it starts to move and I shiver at the strong chilly wind. It was quite warm this morning but the temperature definitely dropped.

"Are you cold?" He asks and I nod. He puts his arm around me and pulls me into him. He's surprisingly warm and I let myself cuddle into him while taking in the marvelous view. We go around a few times until it starts to stop to let people off, at the very top. I look at Harry quickly and then turn my head to look around.

"Harry look! It's Big Ben! Oh my goodness this is beautiful!" I smile so big that it starts to hurt but I keep doing it anyways. I put my arms up and close my eyes, letting myself lock in this memory. I look over at Harry to see him smiling at me.

"You're breathtaking," he leans over and kisses me. I find it ironic that he would say such a thing as we are seeing the prettiest view I have ever seen in my entire existence. "I love you, Victoria. You know that, don't you?" He asks while brushing the hair from my face.

"I do know that, and I love you just as much if not more," I smile and kiss his cheek. The wheel jerks as it starts to move again. I cuddle myself into Harry for the rest of the way down.

"Where to next?" He asks after we return to the car.

"I'm kinda hungry."

"I know a great place for lunch, Bill's."


After lunch consisted of driving around with the windows down, taking a picture in front of Big Ben, driving past Buckingham palace, and eating dinner at the Ledbury.

"Why can't you tell me where we're going?" I ask in a begging manner.

"It's a surprise," he mimics my voice earning a glare from me. Suddenly he pulls into a random parking lot. "Time to go!"

I give him a confused look as he exits the car. He quickly opens mine before I can and he pulls me out. It's dark outside so the only light is from the dim streetlights. Harry looks at me mischievously as he wiggles his eyebrows. "What are you up to?" I ask as he smirks and grabs my hand. He walk towards the Tower Bridge and pulls me to the side.

"Alright babe, up the bridge. I'm taking you to where we shot one of our videos," he smiles as he takes my hand and pulls me behind him.

"Harry! Isn't this dangerous?!" I ask while pulling him to a stop.

"Maybe," he winks and pulls me along. I give up and let him pull me, knowing he won't put me in danger. Once we get to the top, Harry stops and turns to me. "This, is where I go for inspiration. Although you've given me quite a bit on your own, this is my second option."

"So you're giving up your secret to writing amazing songs? Wow, I feel so honored!" I say while wrapping my arms around his neck and giggling.

"You're so cute," he smiles and leans down to kiss me. The kiss doesn't last long as Harry and I look at each other before taking in the view before us.

If I Could Fly // H.S.Where stories live. Discover now