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The drive to meet the boys is silent. Harry is driving and I'm in the front seat looking out the window. I swear that someone could see my shaking of nervousness from a mile away. I push away the thoughts and remember yesterday. The day went perfectly, after the bridge we went to a little diner and bought little slices of pie before easing back. Harry had tried to feed me a bite but his elbow slipped which resulted in pie covering my nose. I smile at the memory before sinking back into the thoughts of today. Their approval is everything to him, if they don't approve then it's definitely a downhill road. I try to compose myself by pulling my knees to my chest and setting my chin on top.

"Baby, they'll love you. I have no doubt," Harry says as he puts his hand on my back and rubs gently. It calms me and I smile at his kind gesture. The rest of the ride is silent besides the whisper of the radio. There is a quiet song I don't recognize playing so I just ignore it completely. "We're here."

I look up and see that we are pulled into a driveway of a house. It isn't the biggest house I've ever seen, but not the smallest either. Harry looks over to me and takes a deep breath and I quickly do the same. "Let's go," I smile and push the door open before he can get it. I have a random spurt of confidence as I swiftly take Harry's hand and walk by his side to the front door. I know all of the boys' names so I repeat them in my head before I see Niall open the door.

"Hey! Come in," he smiles warmly and opens the door wide for us.

"How are you?" Harry asks and hugs Niall after letting my hand go.

"I'm doing good, you?" He asks kindly.

"Good, where are the other guys?"

"Living room," Niall nods towards a doorway down the hall and leads us down it. I notice pictures of Liam with his family and the guys leading me to realize that it's his house. We enter the living room and the guys quickly stand to greet us. They all hug Harry and then look at me.

"This is Victoria, my girlfriend," Harry says as he grabs my hand and gives it a quick reassuring squeeze.

"I'm Niall," Niall says as he smiles and leans in for a hug that return shyly.

"I'm Louis," Louis repeats the action.

"I'm Liam, this is my house by the way," he smiles and hugs me as well.

"Way to brag," Niall chuckles before turning to sit down.

"I thought it would be nice for her to know!" Liam shoots back in defense.

"It was a nice gesture," Louis puts his opinion in.

"I agree with Niall on this one," Harry adds. I find myself laughing at their playful banter.

"It's up to you. You're the tiebreaker," Liam announces as he looks at me. Harry looks at me as if daring me to choose their side.

I smirk, "It was a very sweet gesture and nice to know."

"Oh come on! I'm gonna get you for that!" Harry grabs my sides and tickles me to the floor.

"Harry! Let go!" I say before pushing him off.

"I have to say I like this girl," Liam smiles before turning to sit down. Louis follows and Harry reaches down to help me up.

"So, Harry didn't tell us much. How did you guys meet?" Niall asks once we are all sitting down.

"Well, he was assigned as my patient-"

"And I bravely asked her to go on a day out with me," Harry interrupts as he smiles over at me.

"A day out? You mean leaving the hospital?" Louis asks curiously.

"He somehow convinced my boss to let us go out. I took him to all my favorite places."

"My favorite part was the park we went to that night," Harry looked at me happily and squeezed my hand.

"Why can't I have a cute relationship?" Niall whined as he slumped in his chair earning a laugh around the room.

"Oh! I brought food!" Louis yells and runs to the kitchen. We all look at each other curiously until Liam shrugs and walks to the kitchen. Louis had brought pizza and breadsticks as we all sat at the table. The boys caught up while keeping me included. We laughed a lot and I knew that I made some pretty good friends. After lunch, Harry and I headed out.

"Sorry guys, we have to get back home and then go to the airport to get this doctor back to her hospital."

"It was great meeting you! I'm sure we'll see a lot more of you," Louis winks and pulls me in for a tight hug.

"I'm sure you will," I smile.

"We should do this soon!" Niall chirps and jumps to me before lifting me up and spinning me around.

"Definitely," I laugh as he sets me down.

"You're always welcome!" Liam smiles and hugs me as well.

"Thank you!"

"Alright, let the girl go," Harry chuckles and pulls me to him. With a few last words, we leave and go on our way to Harry's house one last time. About halfway through the ride, Harry decides to start telling jokes that he does quite often.

"Knock knock,"

"Who's there?"


"Urine who?"

"You're insecure, don't know what for," Harry sings before laughing to himself.

"Good, but you could do better," I chuckle.

"Alright alright. Knock knock,"

"Who's there?"

"A cow goes,"

"A cow goes who?"

"No, a cow goes moo!" He laughs to himself.

I roll my eyes at his silliness, "Still not your best."

"Knock knock,"

"Who's there?"


"Hula who?"

"P," he pops the p as I find myself laughing at this one. "Hang in I've got one more!"

"One more," I laugh and shake my head.

"How do you fin Will Smith in the snow?"


"Look for the Fresh Prince," I burst into laughter at this and he smiles at my reaction.

"I guess you have SOME good jokes," I wink once I'm composed.

"I know you love my jokes, babe," he smiles and looks at me.

"You got me," I put my hands up in defense as I smile.

If I Could Fly // H.S.Where stories live. Discover now