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I have determined that the sun has a secret plan to destroy my eyes each morning. Despite that I'm on the complete opposite side of the room, it still somehow burns my retinas. I woke up on my own which causes me to jump up considering my alarm didn't wake me. I look over to see that it's an hour before I was planning to wake up but I decide I'll get up anyways because I know I won't be able to fall back asleep.

I end up aimlessly walking around and somehow discover that I'm getting ready for a shower which is probably a good idea even though I took one last night. I turn the water on cold to wake myself up more which ends up being extremely terrible so it ends up being a hot shower. Harry is picking me up so we can go to a soccer competition for Scarlett's sister Olivia that is a little while away. Scarlett was going to go but she picked up an extra weekend shift so she asked if we could go to watch her since nobody else can.

The time speeds by as I get myself ready for the day and before I know it, Harry is already at the door. I quickly gather my things and prepare for our 1 and a half hour drive that should be quite the time with good old Harold. Since Scarlett is already gone, I don't have to let her know I'm leaving or anything and we immediately escape the small space I call home. With music playing in the background, Harry drives as I mostly keep to myself and look out at the barren land of wherever we are in Oklahoma. There isn't much talking for a while as we let the silence overtake us until Harry decides to break it.

"Victoria?" Harry's voice is so quiet that I almost don't notice it.

"Yeah?" I ask a little louder than he did so he knows that he has my attention.

"I love you," he smiles and glances me way before returning his gaze to the road ahead.

"I love you, too," I smile and lean my head on the window, content with the world. Just being with this curly haired boyfriend of mine is enough to make my day better. No matter the situation, he's it. He's my reason to be happy each day. I'm eternally happy that I have this relationship with him and I wouldn't trade it for the world.

The ride goes smoothly and we get there right after the school bus does. We find seats on the old rusty bleachers easily considering it's empty besides a few insane soccer moms that are cheering just because their kids are walking on the field to practice. I imagine myself being one of them someday but end up laughing to myself at the possibility. Harry looks confused but I decide to keep the thought were it originated.

Olivia's team is wining by halfway through but it's not by much. The bleachers didn't fill much more and Harry and I end up having half of it to ourselves. Since there's some time left before the game ends, I head to the bathroom because I haven't gone since I woke up. As I step off of the bleachers, I hear someone jump on the ground next to me. I turn to see Harry towering over me with a wide smile.

"Mind if I tag along?" I look at him in utter confused and shock until he catches on. "No not there! I meant to get food! Wow I messed that up."

"I don't mind," I say as I'm laughing at his failed attempt at being cute. We quickly walk towards the concessions and bathrooms. Once I'm done, I find Harry waiting outside the door with two hot dogs. I smile and take one he is holding out for me before we walk hand in hand back to the bleachers. As soon as I let go, I regret doing so because Harry is doubled over in pain.

"Harry?! Harry! Are you okay?!" I lean down and shake his shoulder. He is breathing heavily and I notice his legs are a bit swollen. I immediately call 911 knowing that these are all symptoms of kidney failure. "Hello? Yes I need an ambulance. I'm a doctor and my boyfriend has swollen legs and shortness of breath. He has recent kidney problems that haven't got much better but we haven't gone in for a while. Please send someone to get us to the hospital as soon as possible!" I blurt out without taking a breath as I lay Harry back on the ground.

We have everyone surrounding us as sirens begin to sound. My head begins to spin as Harry coughs and cowers in pain and before I know it I'm being pulled from him by the police and being asked what happened. I try to find my voice but it isn't there as another lady explains what I said on the phone. I inwardly thank her as a nurse pulls me into the ambulance with Harry. I see him again but now on a stretcher and I break down, completely and utterly break down. I am balling so hard that they take me to sit in the cab of the truck so I don't cause commotion for the doctors.

I call Grace since we are heading to my hospital and ask if they have anyone that can donate a kidney that would match and as if its fate, she does. I thank her about a million times as she tells me they will do emergency surgery on him and that since I'm the only specialist, I will need to join. This both calms me and makes me nervous at the same time. I have some sort of peace in mind but I also feel my nerves drive out of control. The drive lets me calm slightly but not much as we arrive at the familiar place. Everything is a blur until I'm standing outside the operating room with Harry looking up at me from the stretcher below.

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